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  1. H

    What happened to Moviebattles III?

    Sorry guys it's been a while so forgive me if I'm a bit out of date. Anyone know what happened to MB3? I remember a while back they were working on porting MB2 to Unreal engine but I don't see it anymore? I recently started learning Unreal Engine 5 so I got curious...
  2. H

    Imp vs. Reb Variety

    So this has been on my mind for a really long time and would appreciate other people's thoughts on this. I think there's a lack of variety in gameplay on the Imp side when compared to Rebs, and this makes me always prefer Rebs when playing. Their classes are more diverse and creative so when I...
  3. H

    Technical Issue Default menu not found?

    Hey all, I was hoping someone could help me. I keep getting this error whenever I try to run MBII from the launcher: Warning: file ui/jamp/menudef.h, line 332: redefinition of VOICECHAT_PRAISE menu file not found: ui/mb_menus.txt, using default recursive error after: default menu file not...
  4. H

    need help with a map

    hey guys, so i was editing (re-texturing) a ctf map made by someone else and whenever i try to load the map in jka the game just crashes... I was hoping someone could help me. heres a link to the .map file ( Download File: )