Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

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  1. ScarryLarry

    The voice lines.

    No exaggeration, i cannot express how happy i am right now.
  2. ScarryLarry

    The voice lines.

    Thank you!
  3. ScarryLarry

    The voice lines.

    So i love the voicelines in this game, the generic ones everyone use, are they located in the files? Where can i find them?
  4. ScarryLarry

    clips of funny things

    nvm i cant get my clip to work
  5. ScarryLarry

    clips of funny things

    read title idiot1!!1!!1
  6. ScarryLarry

    TR server Will Die If i am not granted Admin Status.

    Maybe so but i've seen games last long that are developed by a triple A studio, and when they finish a game, if the game is developed good it still can last for decades... just look at smash melee that game is probably one of the longest lasting popular fighting game and the reason for that is...
  7. ScarryLarry

    TR server Will Die If i am not granted Admin Status.

    i agree that this game has massive potential, but only if it was developed by an actual triple A studio not by fan modders, who have amazingly stuck with this game for this long. Because modding a game is not easy.
  8. ScarryLarry

    MB2 - roguewookiee force whoring for 2 minutes and 7 seconds

    i gotta record demos more... how do i do that?
  9. ScarryLarry

    MB2 - roguewookiee force whoring for 2 minutes and 7 seconds

  10. ScarryLarry

    Unconfirmed Headshot hitbox inconsistencies

    there are also times where a rocket or a nade should've definately killed me, but like two or three people were in front of me and i didn't even take damage.
  11. ScarryLarry

    MB2 - I Will Survive

    Jedi can shoot?
  12. ScarryLarry

    Here's a compilation of Super Push clips

    whats the range of pull? Most of the time i pull someone i miss or am too far away...
  13. ScarryLarry

    Here's a compilation of Super Push clips

    legit question, how does super push work?
  14. ScarryLarry

    what mod does this mod use for saber combat

    i think it usse the saber
  15. ScarryLarry

    Putting Down Legends on my Kill list.

    your mom your mom your mom your mom your mom your mom your mom your mom your mom your mom your mom your mom your mom
  16. ScarryLarry

    Putting Down Legends on my Kill list.

    we may be weak minded cave men...
  17. ScarryLarry

    hey how do i download this game...

    yes this is when the fun beignms you can now qui gonn other people it will be an epic expereince.
  18. ScarryLarry

    hey how do i download this game...

    i struggled with this too and listen qui gon is a trap!!!! you must first epuip the jedi character then have lightsaber on in settiings then u can turn on lgihtsaber. now u can be epic jedi :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: