Cause of lore. Nobody can deal with it. Nobody wants OP soilders (notice: they have 3 lifes). Jedi/Sith is stronker than soilder, but if there are too many soilders and other pew pew trash jedi/sith must run away/evade manually or die. Otherwise jedi/sith comes OP too.
Sniping. 3rd-camera...
But It's near to the lore I think. 1v1 sith/jedi is very stronk. Sith/jedi is possible against 2-4 but not against HORDE.
Keep it in mind that jedi and sith are force users + saberists basicly (not OP SHIT which can destroy all around theirselves and survive). I think now force users must turn...
As far as I know (on practice) You can't win duels even if you makes PBs +semi-PBs when your opponent going to spam with style which has stronker BP drain than yours. Only hope is perfect parrys, but it works incorrectly and just randomly
P.S. Thank you again and again :D Agreed
Something in sabersystem goes wrong.
All servers (duels) are empty
Open? I don't like open. I'm here for saber fights. Only arc with rocket launcher in open (for fun).
What goes wrong?
1. Combo-parry fest is here! That's wrong. Spam parry parry spam low bp died. Now you can fight with closed...
Only 1 thing you needed - insert new PBlock system and fix cyan. Dat's all. Dat's good. Dat's cool. And it's a new cool animation movie with staffsaber (like a spin but faster). Increased space for side-back kill that prevents yawing or makes it more risky.
That is the right way i think and...
Yea "good" servers without HUD ban and which crashes/lag every 30 min + troll which are everywhere ruin rules and typing "LELELE KEKEKE PUSSY PUSSY I WANT UR MOM PUSSY LUV IT <3". Feels like dipped in shit. Half of players kinda trash from dota 2 community. /ignore helps, but not at all. Trolls...
My game experience is about 2 days of gameplay, practice in duel mode only.
Sabersystem is hard to learn: there are no information about any kind of swings, blocks, disarm, stag etc.
There are no ways to stop agressive style players, that prefer to attack randomly and run forward. Slap...