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  1. marksisms

    The next steps forward

    So what happens to the dozens of people complaining about new DOTF not making sense? CW was removed and people were miffed, but everyone rolled with it. The redesign is gorgeous, no one denies that, but it's disfunctional and uncomfortable to play. Gen ended up somehow seemingly downgraded in...
  2. marksisms

    The next steps forward

    Just quoting myself cuz I'm pretty sure no one saw this. pls don't ban me for spam senpai
  3. marksisms

    The next steps forward

    lol why even bother removing flinch when you're gonna add something even worse? I say we just cancel saberists altogether and make mb2 an fps. since saberists are getting more useless every update lol.
  4. marksisms

    The next steps forward

    oh god, Y ES
  5. marksisms

    The next steps forward

    I'm not sure this is even the right place to post this but merp, So here's the thing. I understand the whole hype about new maps, and updating old ones and stuff, and I honestly don't mean to shit on anyone's hard work or anything, but let's be real. There are changes to certain maps that people...
  6. marksisms

    Technical Issue ERROR: Couldn't load ambient sound sets from sound/sound.txt

    I will try that and let you know as soon as I'm finished. Thank you!
  7. marksisms

    Technical Issue ERROR: Couldn't load ambient sound sets from sound/sound.txt

    Okay so this is kinda weird. I was able to play normally back when I was using Windows 10 and before that when I was using 7. I recently formatted my PC from 10 to 7 and I reinstalled the mod. It all seemed fine until I tried connecting to a server. I double click on the server like I always did...