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  1. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    End of discussion, I don't feel the need to continue this argument with someone who just got the game and is being very ignorant. And by the way, counter a Wookie with yellow style 2 hit kill by keep distance. you ran at least as fast as a Wookie as a Jedi and you have a lightsaber. Use it to...
  2. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    Because I cant write out years of experience and depth an tactics. I am literally showing people this thread on steam just to make them laugh.
  3. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    I just being honest dude, this thread is starting to get really laughable lol
  4. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    It takes years to understand everything. This is not like your other games you have played. If you are still here in a couple of years you will come back to this thread and just be laughing at yourself
  5. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    You have no idea what you're talking about now, and it is really showing. I would stop talking about balance because you just havnt played long enough to realize how easy you can kill a meele wookie.
  6. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    Yes they are balanced too, im sorry but you're really starting to sound extremely ignorant
  7. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    Basically this^ I almost guarentee that I could show someone who has been playing for like 5 years something they dont know about this game, and they could also show me something. This is a very unique game.
  8. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    Yes it is really balanced. This game isnt balanced around noobs who dont know how to swing sideways. Droideka is very easily class to play because it is just aim and fire. Noob jedi will have no chance, no matter how many of them there are. Now an experienced player could easily destroy a new...
  9. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    That doesnt mean anything. Highly competitive doesnt mean oh i can pblock someones hits. Pblocking is very easy to learn if you are taught. Highly competitive duelist are players who have been playing for a long time, with only 1 certain exception.
  10. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    This game does. Lol to fully understand every aspect and every thing in this game yes it will take years to completely understand and master the depth of this game. This is not some ordinary mod or game. There are things that even player who have been playing for a decade most likely dont know...
  11. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    And how do you know they were highly competitive duelists? What were they "w"swinging after you too? They were probably humble bundlers who didnt know how to color their names. You cant base 12 hours of experience and killing noobs who think theyre a grate jedi on game balance. It doesnt work...
  12. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    Okay 12 hours, I think the case is closed. Pack your bags boys. Joking aside, it doesnt matter how many combay games you have played in the past, mb2 is different than pretty much any other game. Also yes it is possible to balance the classes cause they are balanced. 12 hours is nothing in mb2...
  13. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    Again. This honestly a git good type if thing sorry to say, or I guess learn the game type of deal. You can just tell from your post that you dont understand the saber system much or gunning vs jedi and sith. Pblocking has nothing to do with saber vs gunner, force powers are definitely not...
  14. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    I dont even know what you mean by dragging. And sabering at someones feet dont do any difference bp wise
  15. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    Um counterimg does not do nothing. I think this shows you need to ay with dueling more before you can make an accurate opinion and sw means side whack
  16. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    Its called countering, and you could always go for the sw... if you're into that
  17. Preston

    Perspective from a new player

    Yeah I mean I dont want to offend anyone, but I dont really think you can have a solid opinion on something till atleast like what 3 months of playing? And even then I still think it takes more like a year to somewhat understand balance. It took me like 4 years to figure out wookie wasnt...
  18. Preston

    Jedi/Sith Suggestions

    I personally dont really want any of these in the game except maybe the faster vertical speed with the jump with no flips? And I dont think jump 1 and jump 2 should really have an advantage over jump 3,just my opinion
  19. Preston

    Suggestion on improving gunners.

    Yea thats kinda what I was getting at, it just takes adjustments to get use to changes like bullet time. But it shouldnt necessarily be harder in a way I guess
  20. Preston

    How to MB2: Tutorial series

    Should put this oart of the main page or something