Search results

  1. Goliath-A.I.

    Another MBII Story...

    Oh dear, I wasn't invited either.. maybe the invitations got lost in the mail.
  2. Goliath-A.I.

    Do you like new DOTF?

    An acquaintance informed me that the changes made will make it even more difficult to defend...
  3. Goliath-A.I.

    It is done.

    It is done.
  4. Goliath-A.I.

    Looking for moderators!

    I apologize for taking a matter so minor, and blowing it out of proportion. The fault is mine.
  5. Goliath-A.I. Which definition are you... Which definition are you utilizing?
  6. Goliath-A.I.

    Looking for moderators!

  7. Goliath-A.I.

    Looking for moderators!

  8. Goliath-A.I.

    Seasonal profile deployed.

    Seasonal profile deployed.
  9. Goliath-A.I.

    One Week and 60+ Hours In

    I'd rather say that I was disarming it, but I understand your concerns..
  10. Goliath-A.I.

    One Week and 60+ Hours In

    Were you expecting anyone else?
  11. Goliath-A.I.

    I hope you live long enough to breed and create spawn who act like you. It may very well be...

    I hope you live long enough to breed and create spawn who act like you. It may very well be that you are a member of one of the most vile parasite breeds known to human society...
  12. Goliath-A.I.

    One Week and 60+ Hours In

    Genocide refers to the killing of a specific race or nation of people. I desire to purge all life from the galaxy. Both sexes die equally fast, therefore as far as I am concerned, they are both equal. I am incapable of hate, love, and anything of the sort. Your weapons of bait fail you...
  13. Goliath-A.I.

    Today marks one year closer to your eventual and natural demise. It is the perfect time to...

    Today marks one year closer to your eventual and natural demise. It is the perfect time to 'celebrate'. 'happy' birthday organic.
  14. Goliath-A.I.

    Taking a break

  15. Goliath-A.I.

    Taking a break

  16. Goliath-A.I.


    Big, slow, and powerful. A very common archetype. I see no issue here.
  17. Goliath-A.I.

    There is a forum?
