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  1. Penekowski

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Thank you, yes we're aware, but since it's not a gamebreaking bug we won't take it as a super priority, I will stealth fix it at some point so that ppl that download it moving forward won't have that issue.
  2. Penekowski

    DoM 24/7 Rotation idea

    Jedi temple 24/7 that's my favorite :p
  3. Penekowski

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Guys, 1.6.1 is live,! This is just a small hotfix that is STRONGLY recommended for Peneke users that downloaded 1.6 between Dec 30th 2016 to jan 4th 2017, it solves most of the stability and crash issues that you've been reporting, please update your pack with this hotfix or re-download the...
  4. Penekowski

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Thanks for the report folks, currently working on general optimization, will release a hotfix maybe later today, still testing.
  5. Penekowski

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    It's related to high poly problems, we're aware of that bug and we're working on a hotfix, shouldn't happen often unless certain combinations meet.
  6. Penekowski

    TFU Anakin Port?

    Already answered you on Jkhub but i'l say it again here, Haplash's/Toshi's Anakin will always be better, @Peneke Tesla Tried to port TFU anakin once and it didn't end up so well lol
  7. Penekowski

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    As we said before, we are aware of that bug and will work on a hotfix after we return from a small modding break :)
  8. Penekowski

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Hi folks! Currently typing from mobile as I'll be out for the night and I just wanted to give you a small message since I won't be sober enough to send it in a few hours for new year's eve. Just wanted to wish you a great year, full of teamkills, crashes and Kyle bugs everywhere. It's been a...
  9. Penekowski

    Penekemations 2.0 // Currently Incompatible with 1.10 & above

    Hi folks! Some of you already know me, I'm the creator of the Peneke Pack (, if you've been following up with our updates lately, we've been talking about this new project that works very well with Penekepack and that is aiming to improve MBII from a visual standpoint, giving more immersion and...
  10. Penekowski

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Hi guys, good news! Penekepack 1.6 is live! 100% FA support as one of our new main features Changelog and download link + Icon/hilt tables below, the main post has been updated with the same as well, so you could either download it from page 24 or page 1. There's a bunch of new content so go...
  11. Penekowski

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Just a few more days folks, we're just testing our fa fixes and then we're good to go :) EDIT: I took down Penekepack's 1.5 link to prevent ppl from downloading outdated versions, expect 1.6 really really soon!
  12. Penekowski

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Not really sure if I understand your questions but the frame rate should be the same unless you start fighting some high quality model, the fps might decrease but it might be unnoticeable. Then again, my pc is decent so I can't really say. But I've never had any complaints about fps issues with...
  13. Penekowski

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    @Antraxo Thank you! I really appreciate it, will add it to the main page once I have some time.
  14. Penekowski

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    There are no changes on the swing animinations, just the stances for all of the styles and a few extra such as the meditation and Idle stance. While we could've modified the swing animations, it would've required too much work and it would've confused people. However, there's one special change...
  15. Penekowski

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Hello folks, I've received some private messages and been told that we missed our ETA for Penekepack 1.6. (We said that it was very likely that we might release the pack before Rogue One). Unfortunately we've been stuck on some categories and we were afraid that the official MBII update...
  16. Penekowski

    Updated Models

    All they gotta do is add more slots since the base Clone GLM has many parts, many skins can be done out of it but the slots are a great limitation. Maybe there's a limit engine wise, but I'm not so sure about that.
  17. Penekowski

    Launcher Help running in Linux Ubuntu

    @TeKilla Might be able to help you out, he's from the BR community if I'm not mistaken, and knows about Linux.
  18. Penekowski

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Basically what he said, remove everything except for the ui folder as well as the music folder, it should work I think.
  19. Penekowski


    From what I recall, the dotf version that you're speaking about had no catwalk I think? The rest looked pretty cool but I hated the fact that they removed the catwalk. I hope that they don't take the cw out if it ever gets released.
  20. Penekowski

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    And just to follow up on that, we can't set exclusive cosmetic weapons for models yet as this is something that we'll work on with the official MBII devs for future versions, but stay tuned! I was actually planning to give the gungan grenade to Jar jar so that it replaces the concussion nade...