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  1. Subaru

    Code of Conduct/Forum Organization Discussion

    Skimming this thread: I agree, warning points are garbage. I'm in favor of either a much stricter three strike system or single warning based system. The current system is applied inconsistently, and it ends up being bad for everyone. As for discussion of moderation: No. That's a horrible idea...
  2. Subaru

    V1.4.5 Update Released!

    Trust us, nobody wanted to remove jaMME support, it's an awesome tool that provides a lot of value. We (well, the active team, with me advising) had two alternatives - go fully open source (which has a number of issues which don't need to be debated in this thread) or stop distributing MB2...
  3. Subaru

    Hosting Server Lowering server ping?

    Raising tickrate might have a tiny effect on ping (due to packet handling happening more often, dependant on how Q3 networking arch is setup), but it's dominated by distance to the server. Also, there's a cap on how fast you can run your server, iirc.
  4. Subaru

    Why did you guys remove another clan's group of servers off the master list?

    Side note - that font(/color?) is really hard to read for me. I know you like to keep up your robot persona here, but my poor human eyes start to hurt when I do. Please consider switching to something else.
  5. Subaru

    Why did you guys remove another clan's group of servers off the master list?

    A note: just because an activity is technically legal does not mean it is behavior we want to encourage or allow in the community. Building an aimbot may be legal, but such things are obviously discouraged.
  6. Subaru


    I'm closing this. Feel free to discuss in the thread already created for this purpose. Please refrain from making more like this.
  7. Subaru

    New Forum Font

    Ok, that's enough of that. Be nice.
  8. Subaru

    New Forum Font

    Happy April 1? It was supposed to match the ingame font, but I was pointed towards the wrong font, so the joke was lost. :'( Sorry if I imposed actual physical harm on anyone.
  9. Subaru

    April 1st Update Released!

    Hi, there was a mixup. Please hold.
  10. Subaru

    Nerf Force Sense ?

    For competitive, you could make it part of the match rules not to use it.
  11. Subaru

    Nerf Force Sense ?

    I mean, other than being able to push nades, shield teammates and block enemies, sure.
  12. Subaru

    GUIDE how to write "I quit forever" posts

    Who even are you?
  13. Subaru

    So I decided it is time to create a clan

    If you are creating a clan, you have to answer this: what benefit does someone joining your clan get?
  14. Subaru

    A new dueling clan LEGION {LGN} is recruiting

    They are a US based clan with a historically poor reputation.
  15. Subaru

    Launcher Keep launcher running

    Have you tried keeping the launcher running?
  16. Subaru

    Goodbye! (Subaru is retiring)

    Hello, MB2 Community. With some amount of sadness, I'd like to announce my departure. As of now I am no longer a part of the development team. There are a few reasons behind this - the first is that I don't really have time. I do game engine programming as my day job, and it's tough to come home...
  17. Subaru

    Technical Issue [Linux] unable to play the game

    Can you please describe exactly what happens when you run openjk?
  18. Subaru

    Technical Issue [Linux] unable to play the game

    Please don't try and run the game under WINE, I can see why that might blow up. :)
  19. Subaru

    Hi id like to join the clan

    Hi - there aren't any clans based on these forums. Which one were you interested in?
  20. Subaru

    MB2 weapons.dat???

    Indeed. The wiki should have some of what you want, though