Search results

  1. AaronAaron

    EU DUEL Molaes's admin application

    Hi there, I am sorry to say we are declining your application at this time. Please DO NOT participate in the community anymore, and we thank you for the interest.
  2. AaronAaron

    15 Years of Movie Battles

    get a fucking job you low life
  3. AaronAaron

    u look cute today

    u look cute today
  4. AaronAaron

    DN is BACK!

    No he was removed actually.
  5. AaronAaron

    CLAN The Initium Novum

    BACKING MY BRO @Eazy E dont get caught lacking on the servers #cultO #TINK not kryst tho shes sexy
  6. AaronAaron

    EU OPEN maxfranx' admin application

    Not recommended sorry thought this was molaes
  7. AaronAaron

    oi bois

    oi bois
  8. AaronAaron

    Punish on client id and the punish dialogue bug

    fuck frank he deserves it
  9. AaronAaron

    Why does Gargos have access to JAMME features?

    You know you can still use the camera editing stuff without having this super secret thing gargos has? It works perfectly well for me
  10. AaronAaron

    ENEMY AC130 ABOVE and MW2 Sniper Sound Replacement

    Sounds a little bit childish, SK5.
  11. AaronAaron

    What is your favorite MB2 video?

    What about the video that gave u shivers???
  12. AaronAaron

    add likes back to off topic area

    Tbf hessu, you only need 2 hours of experience to beat you. Im sure k4far is already better than you
  13. AaronAaron

    Your 5 changes to sabering

    Oh, well I still knocked you out of the first round so technically I beat your unbeatable staff right?
  14. AaronAaron

    Your 5 changes to sabering

    I beat your staff and eliminated you!!!
  15. AaronAaron

    Boycott TR clan.

    hahaha what
  16. AaronAaron

    Your 5 changes to sabering

    Pbing isn't as hard as you all say it is. Imagine having bigger, shitty angles. It would take less skill. 1.4.2 was the best recent patch. All we need to do is revert and remove PB counter! remove all styles except for yellow too
  17. AaronAaron

    i want more skins

    I like that server too
  18. AaronAaron

    Why Movie Battle 2 Sucks.

    That explains why half the people here are taking it seriously xD!!!!
  19. AaronAaron

    Why Movie Battle 2 Sucks.

    How are you guys having a hard time understanding that this is a joke
  20. AaronAaron

    Saber Style Balance

    This sense makes no comment