Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Recent content by QuiGioJonn

  1. Q

    Hello_ Abusing report for server "GG" ; Players : Evans, george floyd

    i just post some other sad shits , to be sure you understand the level of scum toxic they reach. THEY DISCONNECT, after insulting and offensive chat , for very bad motivations, not a surprise for these 2 piece of scum : RAGEQUIT, and EXECUTING FOR TEAMKILLING !!!! check the screenshot
  2. Q

    Hello_ Abusing report for server "GG" ; Players : Evans, george floyd

    hi , it is the second time your comments has, honestly, no reason to be written... you post before about mc donald's , and post after that comment about the " freedom of speech" ... just to know why you do not writ a precise comment about the toxic way to chat of some accounts.
  3. Q

    Hello_ Abusing report for server "GG" ; Players : Evans, george floyd

    you can have some point... BUT other points is that they are RUINING the game community. we are few gamers... after a TITANIC and wonderful work from devs... and having these 2 SHIT toxic elements is an insult to us. they should be banned. that Evian has also n account here , you can read...
  4. Q

    Hello_ Abusing report for server "GG" ; Players : Evans, george floyd

    Man i am sorry this is what that shit wrote about you , insulting and menacing. he write he is in your country and he can break u in real life and u scared from him. ...
  5. Q

    Hello_ Abusing report for server "GG" ; Players : Evans, george floyd

    i think they should be kicked. really. Insulting on races, insulting on work. there are also people that are disgusted by them. or also gamers under age 18.
  6. Q

    Hello_ Abusing report for server "GG" ; Players : Evans, george floyd

    I found this server in the server list by running the MB2 official game, no direct ip or vlan server. so please sorry if this is not the correct place to show these 2 horrible gamers and their toxic gaming.
  7. Q

    Hello_ Abusing report for server "GG" ; Players : Evans, george floyd

    Hello in the server GG ip: there are 2 accounts called : Evian george floyd they are litterally ruining all game rounds. they start to insult, and then TK and timewasting all round, voting for 1vs1 duel maps and wait, or in other maps, they TK others or just they help...