Recent content by PissJug

  1. PissJug

    Cvars suggestion :))

    Is this why damp angles from base were removed? I used to love these camera angles for videos. cameradampangle Dampvectorspring thirdpersoncameradamp cg_thirdpersontargetdamp
  2. PissJug

    I miss you all

    This was the only game I played for a very long time. I miss you all very much and I hope that I will return soon. On thanksgiving day I separated myself from my wife and stepdaughter. I packed what I could of my 4 bedroom house into my little car and moved out of a soul sucking-dead-end...
  3. PissJug

    Force Power for jedi to counter Sith OP'ness like Lighting and Grip

    Like the jedi power Absorb? Its the blue stuff that comes out of yoda's hands when palpy electrocutes him and he drops his saber. The other jedi have to use their sabers to block palpatines lightning because yoda is a jerk for never passing that knowledge to anyone else. It was also a jedi...
  4. PissJug

    Hunters clan

    I LOL'd
  5. PissJug

    Jakku map is amazing !

    I like the new map. But I also have the FPS lag at certain points throughout the whole map.
  6. PissJug

    Nerf Force Sense ?

    I voted no. I don't need to tell you why.