Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Recent content by Mark Renton

  1. Mark Renton

    Mark Renton

    Mark Renton
  2. Mark Renton

    Media Team now hiring!

    Heyo! Im Mark Renton, i play bass, piano and some other instruments. It would be cool to work in some music for the game. Im a pro musician in real life, and i love this game. This is my discord: lucifersam666
  3. Mark Renton

    Moviebattles II R20.0.08 Now Available

    Mark Renton
  4. Mark Renton

    Add a new mb2 exclusive "cookie" to track users when they join your server

    I really like this system, now i got enough money to keep doing cr*ck and we*d with my homies. Make Bully mb2 admin. (Pls bully don’t remove mk_deadpool)
  5. Mark Renton

    Mark Renton

    Mark Renton
  6. Mark Renton

    Moviebattles II V1.9 Released

    Mark Renton
  7. Mark Renton

    Moviebattles II V1.8.2 Released

    Good What do you mean with “undeadstar somehow returned” lol Epic tho
  8. Mark Renton

    Moviebattles II Hotfix Released

    good update <3
  9. Mark Renton

    Moviebattles II 1.8.1 Released

    Jabba glitch fixed, gooooood...