Recent content by King

  1. K

    Minor bugs thread

    Quick roll for deka is horrendously broken. There is a 50% chance that it will bug out and cancel roll mode, and it's even worse if you're moving backwards.
  2. K

    People don't play to win

    Why not just assign a death for losing the obj or running out of time? This motivates the ego scorers to try to keep their precious k:d by actually completing or preventing the other team from completing the objective.
  3. K

    Why did you guys remove another clan's group of servers off the master list?

    Not at all. The TKing and toxicity I talked about are just reasons why I'm not sympathetic to them. DDOSing other servers and doxxing people however are against the guidelines. I actually liked tR for their lack of moderation in regards to freedom of speech.
  4. K

    Why did you guys remove another clan's group of servers off the master list?

    It seems justified. That server had a toxic atmosphere and about 75% of the time you would see someone getting TKed by a group of tR or one of their troll friends. Tking admins, abusing players and resetting their tk points, DDOSing other servers and general edgy trolling that consists of...