Recent content by jawsjd2

  1. jawsjd2

    [SOLVED] Cant see in-game menu fonts V 1.6

    Connected to servers, played and everything. The only problem i had asides from the jank menus were a few missing textures on a single maps. but i got the correct game now and all's fine
  2. jawsjd2

    [SOLVED] Cant see in-game menu fonts V 1.6

    :/ gana get the right game real quick
  3. jawsjd2

    [SOLVED] Cant see in-game menu fonts V 1.6

    well, that explains that
  4. jawsjd2

    [SOLVED] Cant see in-game menu fonts V 1.6

    Tried verifying the file integrity, still has broken fonts. Deleted the file, reinstalled jedi outcast and installed the mod manually, still broken :Edit: the fonts dont seem to be corrupt anymore, but still cant see em
  5. jawsjd2

    [SOLVED] Cant see in-game menu fonts V 1.6

    Fonts in the class select menu dont appear, i think that the font may be to big.