Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Recent content by isair

  1. isair

    Ilyssa Hosting is now live! Superior features at a better price point than all competitors out...

    Ilyssa Hosting is now live! Superior features at a better price point than all competitors out there.
  2. isair

    MovieBattles II V1.6.2.1 Released

  3. isair

    Movie Battles II V1.6.2 Released

    I've resolved the RTVRTM issue on the servers I host as it was crucial to Yoda working as well. I have a heavily modified RTVRTM so the quickest tip I can give before going to sleep (2am here, otherwise I'd update the regular script too) is to use the following regex: ClientConnect: \((.*)\) ID...
  4. isair

    (Closed Beta) A New, Modern Hosting Service

    The range-bans are imposed by admins and are separate for each server. One of the extra functionalities I have implemented lets server admins know on Discord the names of the players who are unable to connect due to a range-ban. This allows them to remove a range-ban if they see an innocent...
  5. isair

    [Beta] Improved Graphics Mod (Pre-configured QEffectsGL)

    I will probably when I start playing again. Looks like for some reason the ambient occlusion is way too pronounced. I'd recommend lowering the value of SSAOScale in your configuration file (QeffectsGL.ini).
  6. isair

    [Beta] Improved Graphics Mod (Pre-configured QEffectsGL)

    Thanks for reporting it. Updated the latest version link now. The others will follow.
  7. isair

    DDOSing Report

    I'll trust that they did the math to see if it's worth it, but this is usually the kind of thing that slowly kills a tech company.
  8. isair

    DDOSing Report

    Pretty much. This is exactly why I containerise, and probably any other modern hosting provider does as well.
  9. isair

    DDOSing Report

    I'd be happy to share via private messages. Do shoot one my way.
  10. isair

    DDOSing Report

    It is indeed a proper DDoS tailored specifically for JA servers. My knowledge of Quake engine games are limited but the packets look like they could apply to those as well. Filtered DDoS attempts seem to be in the thousands though. Here is a partial screenshot of the firewall rules statistics...
  11. isair

    [Beta] Improved Graphics Mod (Pre-configured QEffectsGL)

    Just released a new version. Apart from some more substantial config changes, I have moved to the latest version of QEffectsGL and abandoned QEffectsPro. The latest release of QEffectsPro was 4 years before QEffectsGL. Added some comparative screenshots of this version to the original post...
  12. isair

    [Beta] Improved Graphics Mod (Pre-configured QEffectsGL)

    It's not a snapchat filter, the input is not just the colours of pixels but their depths as well, allowing for effects such as SSAO that actually enhances the look of the game. Improved shaders are as much a graphics improvement as higher resolution textures are. Edit: If you're telling me that...
  13. isair

    [Beta] Improved Graphics Mod (Pre-configured QEffectsGL)

    Thanks. I must stress that I haven't done much though, just configured eezstreet's and Crystice Softwork's project. Post-processing effects are part of the graphics pipeline.
  14. isair

    [Beta] Improved Graphics Mod (Pre-configured QEffectsGL)

    Thanks for trying it out. I've reduced both the minimum distance for blurring and the blur amount to make it look more acceptable. Additionally, noticed that the amount of bloom was almost blinding for some maps, so reduced that a little bit as well. I'll see what I can do about the colours.
  15. isair

    [Beta] Improved Graphics Mod (Pre-configured QEffectsGL)

    Screenshots [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] Features - Ambient Occlusion. Objects will properly block ambient light, making the areas around them (and on them) where light can't fall darker. - Depth of field. - Colour correction to make scenes more cinematic while...