Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Recent content by DamianHowardHD

  1. DamianHowardHD

    Lightsaber blade console info **Dynamic Glow**

    Ok, This mainly goes out to any coders and developers of the development crew who worked/works on the lightsabers, in MB2. Myself and Tompa9 are working on remastering the "Movie Duels II" (MD2) mod, that was released back in 2009 and one of the main changes this remastered edition will...
  2. DamianHowardHD

    Lt.Claim's workshop

    Well, in any case.. We could still do with the Force Arena version, too.
  3. DamianHowardHD

    Lt.Claim's workshop

    That's not the one from Force Arena.
  4. DamianHowardHD

    Lt.Claim's workshop

    Where's Darth Vader? I don't see him.. o_O
  5. DamianHowardHD

    Lt.Claim's workshop

    Any chance of being able to port Darth Vader and Director Krennic, @Lt.Claim ? Those are the main two, I'm looking for.
  6. DamianHowardHD

    Assistance with adding "SFX Sabers" effect to MD2 ('Movie Duels 2') mod

    I don't use Discord. That's why I've asked on here and also posted a thread on about it.
  7. DamianHowardHD

    Assistance with adding "SFX Sabers" effect to MD2 ('Movie Duels 2') mod

    Ok, So I was wondering if there's anyone out there, who can help me with implementing the "SFX Sabers" effect (Currently used in MBII) into the 'Movie Duels 2' mod (Which was made by "Wector")? And can be found here; Star Wars: Movie Duels II mod Basically, pretty much the Single Player...
  8. DamianHowardHD

    Technical Issue "Unstable" Lightsaber effect in JKA Single Player??

    Hey, @Subaru & @The Unguided I was wondering if you could help me out with a request? I've spoken with "Plasma", over on Steam chat and he recommended contacting you, regarding this enquiry. Ok, basically.. Long story short.. What I'm trying to do, is replicate Kylo Ren's "unstable" saber...
  9. DamianHowardHD

    HELP with extracting mod files from 'Movie Battles II' (for PERSONAL USE)

    Ok guys, So I'm new here (I just recently downloaded "Movie Battles II", a few hours ago).. Now, I'm primarily a "Single Player" player and I VERY rarely (if ever) touch the Multiplayer aspect of Jedi Academy (It's a shame 'Movie Battles II' doesn't have a Single Player edition) and I'm...