Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Sadmin Abuse In CB Training Duels LoL

So whoever is the Sub-Admin of the server With the "Alias" (You all lack Bravery) got mad and booted me multiple times just cause he couldn't beat me. Still amazes me how low Fight IQ some of these duelist have to try to Zone me by running back and left and right swinging and then try to disarm crutch when they start losing. Did the same back to him then he started running away from me went around a corner, tried to sweep me and failed and died.

Who is this guy it was funny. Too bad I didn't press record. Wonder what lie he will tell you all.

Also AOD unban me already or are yall still paranoid every alias is me ;) somone unbanned me few months back and insta banned me again because I gripped a teamate when in reality I gripped him which was a SBD and threw him behind me to save him from jedi.

Don't care if I don't though I barely play this shite anymore anyways
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That was James. I vividly remember beating your ass fairly easily so I can't imagine he was struggling too hard trying to beat you

Quit lying to yourself. You're another generic yellow style user, so easy to beat you, you run backwards and spam swing, look at the amount of times I beat you like you beat your meat to granny porn AND consistently get ACM doing so.

Also James isn't hard to beat either, most CB Has the saber hugging / parry bypass tactic, not hard to make them scream and forfeit the duel just cause they can't win other then to stand in a phonebooth and spam swings.
Cope. It is now my mission to admin abuse you mid duel if you're ever on to see you cry like a bitch more on the forums, too.
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