Sabering for new players

So I've read the both sev's and noel's dueling guides but both were made several patches ago it seems and contain at least one portion of obsolete data (nudging). Not sure what else is inaccurate in there but I'm wondering how new players are meant to learn and understand sabering with outdated guides like these? I've read the entire ingame library but that's not a lot of information either.

Like what styles of sabering are considered viable? From what I can tell by reading the forum, purple and red are bad, cyan and blue are lame, that kind of just leaves 3 styles of which yellow seems to be the only real option. Sort of boring isn't it? I kind of want to learn red since I played old JKA MP single purple style a lot.

Are there any plans to update the guides or put some new video tutorials up for players interested in learning the mechanics?


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Are there any plans to update the guides or put some new video tutorials up for players interested in learning the mechanics?

There are some lightsaber/dueling updates being worked on and most people making the guides have been waiting on that to update them. We are also internally planning an official tutorial for it but it is a long ways off. It is the last one on my list to work on because it is also the most complicated.

I'll let the more experienced saberists answer the rest.
Makes sense that people are waiting for the new changes before updating/making new guides. Would be nice if they were continually updated after that point to help all new players. Perhaps something people part of the team would work on rather than leaving it to individuals who might quit or stop caring to update.

Thanks for the info.


Internal Beta Team
EU Official Server Admin
Noels dueling guide is 100% up to date as far as i remember off the top of my head. Even if it was made many patches ago, none of the recent patches contain any saber changes.

If you integrate the information found there and in the future just follow the patch notes closely you should be good to go.

As far as styles go, yellow is the most preferred one simply because of how the style is designed. It offers a good amount of counterplay and has a very high skill ceiling in its kit. Theres also quite a few playstyle options (this is my opinion of course).

That doesnt mean that other styles like red are necessary unviable. Red can be very good in the right hands (notably @Aizencin) but simply falls behind due to other styles having a better kit to work with. Purple is extremely good and maybe even on par with yellow. Purple also has a decently fair kit but sadly theres nobody in the EU scene that mains purple.

Duals are basically just a cheesy yellow because of the wonky animations, side stab and superior combo damage. Staff on the other hand is hard to explain. Partly its inferior to yellow due to its short range and low damage but its defensive stats are very high. Staff also has very spammy/hard to read attacks like duals which just makes it annoying to deal with.

Fast styles are easily the most cancerous to fight against, most notably cyan. Their insanely fast attacks interrupt you very often and usually they can just get free hits on you without giving you an opportunity strike back. Their damage starts off low but ramps up too quickly (although you drain their acm twice as fast). Finally, cyans perk is just stupid.

TLDR: Yellow has the fairest kit and offers the most counterplay. Fast styles are overtuned and way too good at what they are supposed to do. Staff and duals are cheesy variants of yellow. Purple is close to an ok style while red has been nerfed to dust.
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My guide is 100% up to date and doesn't contain any information on nudging - maybe reading them properly would be a good start ;););););;£;!;!!
Noels dueling guide is 100% up to date as far as i remember off the top of my head. Even if it was made many patches ago, none of the recent patches contain any saber changes.

If you integrate the information found there and in the future just follow the patch notes closely you should be good to go.

As far as styles go, yellow is the most preferred one simply because of how the style is designed. It offers a good amount of counterplay and has a very high skill ceiling in its kit. Theres also quite a few playstyle options (this is my opinion of course).

That doesnt mean that other styles like red are necessary unviable. Red can be very good in the right hands (notably @Aizencin) but simply falls behind due to other styles having a better kit to work with. Purple is extremely good and maybe even on par with yellow. Purple also has a decently fair kit but sadly theres nobody in the EU scene that mains purple.

Duals are basically just a cheesy yellow because of the wonky animations, side stab and superior combo damage. Staff on the other hand is hard to explain. Partly its inferior to yellow due to its short range and low damage but its defensive stats are very high. Staff also has very spammy/hard to read attacks like duals which just makes it annoying to deal with.

Fast styles are easily the most cancerous to fight against, most notably cyan. Their insanely fast attacks interrupt you very often and usually they can just get free hits on you without giving you an opportunity strike back. Their damage starts off low but ramps up too quickly (although you drain their acm twice as fast). Finally, cyans perk is just stupid.

TLDR: Yellow has the fairest kit and offers the most counterplay. Fast styles are overtuned and way too good at what they are supposed to do. Staff and duals are cheesy variants of yellow. Purple is close to an ok style while red has been nerfed to dust.

Thanks for the info!
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My guide is 100% up to date and doesn't contain any information on nudging - maybe reading them properly would be a good start ;););););;£;!;!!

My apologies noel. I've just been over as much information as possible and noticed yours was written a long time ago and last edited june 2017. I made the assumption it was out of date. I'll go over your guide again more carefully now. Thanks for your work.


Blue and Cyan are considered broken for how easy you can sidewhack (reach sides of the model by running around your enemy to land a hit and kill instantly). Red is not often guest of Open. Purple is sometimes present in Super Push builds it's pretty slow too.

Staff can disarm you easily. Mblock is super spammy with it so you do not want to repeat your swings or you will get killed instantly.
Duals have this annoying side stab that can push you in pits if you get careless. Blue has it too but it's harder to use.

  • saber defense [1] and [2], last is basically useless so keep points for something else,
  • force defense, stick to [3] then you can lower progressively as you learn not to run too much. [0] is basically a death sentence with all those whores,
  • play for fun with somebody on a dueling server @Shady @Eazy E @SK55555555555555555 @Shilling @AaronAaron,
  • blue and cyan help for your ego but it's annoying when it doesn't kill on a first hit and somebody gets away.
Blue and Cyan are considered broken for how easy you can sidewhack (reach sides of the model by running around your enemy to land a hit and kill instantly). Red is not often guest of Open. Purple is sometimes present in Super Push builds it's pretty slow too.

Staff can disarm you easily. Mblock is super spammy with it so you do not want to repeat your swings or you will get killed instantly.
Duals have this annoying side stab that can push you in pits if you get careless. Blue has it too but it's harder to use.

  • saber defense [1] and [2], last is basically useless so keep points for something else,
  • force defense, stick to [3] then you can lower progressively as you learn not to run too much. [0] is basically a death sentence with all those whores,
  • play for fun with somebody on a dueling server @Shady @Eazy E @SK55555555555555555 @Shilling @AaronAaron,
  • blue and cyan help for your ego but it's annoying when it doesn't kill on a first hit and somebody gets away.

I'm actually using saber defense 2, force defense 3, saber deflect 2, along with yellow, jump 3, push 2, pull 3. Felt like that was the optimal for me after reading about them all. I usually don't play jedi on open because 1) i suck and 2) the servers are usually full of them already and 3) the styles I'd like to really learn like red or purple don't seem that good there vs gunners. But I would like to learn how to duel properly at some point.


It's good to have Sense on both Sith and Jedi. Sense level [3] is much easier to use because you waste no time for looking at your minimap. Sense level [2] is playable too and it leaves you some spare points.

Basic Jedi / Sith build:

Jump [3], Push [3], Seeing [2], Medium Styles [1], Saber Defense [2], Force Block [3], Saber Deflect [2]
I run jump3, push3, sense1, yellow +/- cyan or blue, sabdef2 or 3force def3, deflect 2 or 3 (depending on if I feel like I need the second saber style).

Lately I've been getting better with yellow and haven't needed the second saber style as much. I hope purple gets updated to be out of meme territory and I might start running it instead of yellow.


I run jump3, push3, sense1, yellow +/- cyan or blue, sabdef2 or 3force def3, deflect 2 or 3 (depending on if I feel like I need the second saber style).

Lately I've been getting better with yellow and haven't needed the second saber style as much. I hope purple gets updated to be out of meme territory and I might start running it instead of yellow.

Current Red is a meme not Purple. Look forward to upcoming sabering changes.