DOTF ideas


Movie Battles II Team Retired
So I posted a bit on the Discord, some ideas about how to make DOTF better, and Mace seemed to like them, so I'll repost them here for some other people's opinions. Note that I'm writing this from the perspective of old DOTF as I haven't played the new one yet.

  1. Give Imperials an objective to complete, too. That way, both teams have to be timewasting in order to pull it off. The idea I had was to make it so that the Imperial team can blow up the starfighters in the hangar in order to win. However this is a bit time consuming to do, because you have to use shaped charges in order to do so.
  2. Shuffle the door controls. Specifically, make it go back to the really old DOTF, where side etc doors are in the pit room. The first set of door controls is in the pit entry, and the second set of door controls is past the pit forcefields. Print a notification telling the imperials when rebels have entered the pit room, so that they have enough time to react to the doors being hacked. This gives the pit some attention. Also, reduce the time it takes to hack the throne room door, so rebels are more likely to use it.
  3. Bring back catwalk... but make it bend to one direction (in an L shape) in the hangar, and give it a second elevator up. Additionally, it should have a second upper door (in Fed) that leads to a side hallway, with a drop off that isn't too punishing, so players can go to either Fed (if they're the right class for it), or a side hallway. This gives the hangar some much-needed verticality, while also giving classes that aren't Mando, Jedi, Sith, etc a reason to be up there.
  4. Remove the balcony, OR make the glass harder to break. It's basically pointless to hack the main throne room door since you can just hack the balcony access and break the glass super easily.
  5. Make the walkways on gen wider. It may not be totally movie accurate but it's better from a gameplay perspective; in older versions of DOTF you could use the walkways themselves as cover from below, which is great for sniping and even sneak attacks from above with wookie.
This solves the following issues that were pointed out by Mace, in my opinion:
  • It gives Pit a purpose, and encourages combat in gen and pit
  • It gives catwalk a purpose
  • It discourages timewasting on the part of rebels
  • It gives rebels a reason to hack the throne doors, which is rarely done


Internal Beta Team
An objective for Imperials would be pointless because they can just wait out timewasting rebels for an easy win anyway. Unless you make both teams lose on time like in Cloud City, which actually kind of encourages time wasting to force a draw if you think you can't win.

Also, there is no balcony with breakable glass, nor is there a hackable main throne room door. :p


Movie Battles II Team Retired
An objective for Imperials would be pointless because they can just wait out timewasting rebels for an easy win anyway. Unless you make both teams lose on time like in Cloud City, which actually kind of encourages time wasting to force a draw if you think you can't win.

Also, there is no balcony with breakable glass, nor is there a hackable main throne room door. :p
??? wat version r u playin?
Note that I'm writing this from the perspective of old DOTF as I haven't played the new one yet.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Give Imperials an objective to complete, too. + Shuffle the door controls.
I like these thoughts combined. If imperials win the generator room and one of them reaches the pit, they could initiate security lockdown that locks all the doors that lead to the Throne Room, effectively winning the map if no rebels are inside the locked down Throne area to re-unlock the doors for the rest within a certain time.

This puts a timer on any main rush that disregards the generator room. Spreads out the action and gives imperials a goal.

The idea needs refinement, but overall could prove fun.

Also requires programming if I'm not entirely mistaken.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Also requires programming if I'm not entirely mistaken.

Forgot to answer this the other day. Yes this would require some code changes as doors cannot be re-locked at the moment. You can disable them but that can have some other not so good consequences. I think I like this idea best for an imperial "objective" though. It isn't as extreme and still has us keeping just rebels losing on time.