Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

1.4 Open Beta Dueling Feedback

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Deleted member 1498

I don't like some of the changes on 1.4, I still prefer 1.3. Could be that I'm an mblocking bitch with staff (it ain't gonna stop me next build) but nerfing comboes and pblock stopping comboes is just too weak to put in. Pblocking is still easy, and due to the combo nerf, open jedi are going to be extinct (why even put in flinch, you just need competent gunners to dwindle the jedi down like a lower class sbd or make the blaster bolts do more dmg vs jedi, like it should be). Red is bork, might as well have red when no one used it except Skee. Nudge... ugh nudge. Removing that really showed how skillful the duelist community can be, but putting it back in is a really bad thing to do as there really is no need for it at all. Overall all styles felt a little unbalanced in 1.3, it just takes time to fully understand a style's weakness and strength, then if done right, you can basically fight every style, but 1.4 does make all styles feel the same when you do absolutely no BP dmg since comboes are out of the window. Heck, this update feels like all styles are becoming what blue was in 1.3, counter 1-2 hit city.

Don't get me wrong, I like pretty much everything else about the update, but the stuff I have mentioned doesn't cut it (and giving the excuse that it's to weed out the shitty players is stupidest thing I've ever heard of, seriously, stop using that bait). I understand that the nerf on comboes makes it easier for others to deal with really good counter-combo duelists, or people like Kael who are brilliant at yawing/swing-blocking, or even Achilles who is exceptional at pblocking (seriously, give that guy a medal), but the watered down, 2 hit combo BP dmg just seems like a bad decision. The nerf will bring in the old issues as before (even worse since it's just going to be 2 hit counter comboes with shadow swinging 24/7), but now there are no fast combo dueling kills unless the opponent is absolute garbo or you mblock em (it'll take a minute or two if they are even somewhat decent). It seems like jedi are just going to be support (give some more power on the force side then), or they will just be complete bantha fodder vs good gunners in open mode.

This pretty much sums up what I've experienced in the beta and this is all what I'll say about it. If any of this stuff was removed and was talked about in a earlier post, just ignore me, for I have not the patience to scroll through 12 pages. Hopefully no one gets triggered by my post.

EDIT: fixed some garmar and added moar stuff to my wall of text
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I don't like some of the changes on MB 1.4 same. MB 1.4 was crashing. Nudge spamming in 1.4 is definitely a thing. Get into their face, time a swing, spam a random weird combo and etc. It makes no sense to play 1.4 beta. Pls fix it.
I'm going to assume a large proportion of the comments are negative, admittedly I only read a few.

I liked the dueling system for the most part, I thought it was a big improvement, I've only had the mod since 1.1 though (I think).
  • Nudging will still take time to get used to.
  • I used red exclusively and thought it was fine. 1.4 didn't put me off using it.
  • I could consistently beat the average blue, yellow and red duelists but I had a lot of trouble against the other styles.
  • I have nothing to say against purple but I rarely witnessed people using it as the majority were using yellow, cyan, blue and staff.
  • I thought cyan, staff and duals were particularly "spammy".
  • Self-professed "noobs" were holding their ground far too well with staff, the same couldn't be said when they used yellow or blue.
  • Lastly, to re-iterate what others have said, yellow's DFA drained an insane amount of BP.
I really enjoyed playing open mode. It seemed better to me. Jedi/Sith spam was also seldom seen in my few hours playing, which was great to see.

{Δ} Achilles

I don't like some of the changes on 1.4, I still prefer 1.3. Could be that I'm an mblocking bitch with staff (aint gonna stop me next build) but nerfing comboes and pblocking stopping comboes is just weak too put in. Pblocking is still easy, and due to the combo nerf, open jedi are going to be extinct (y even put in flinch, you just need competent gunners). Red is bork, might as well have red when no one used it except skee. Nudge... ugh nudge. Removing that really showed how skillful the duelist community can be but puttin it back in is a really bad thing to do (really no need for it at all). If any of this stuff was removed and was talked about in a earlier post, just ignore me, for I have not patience to scroll through 12 pages.

This is pretty much what I've experienced in the beta and this is all what I'll say about it. Hopefully no one gets triggered by my post.


Someone gets it.

Eazy E

So... I know this is pretty late now but I think I will throw in my 2 cents.
Blue- Blue is perfect now, the new version of blue is very friendly to my own current defensive blue stance, also no more blue spammers :)
Red- Red requires ALOT more skill now, no more 3 hit spammers draining people from 100-0 in 1 lucky combo.
Purple- With the shorter pblock zones the pblock perk requires slightly more skill to execute and the AP reduction is nice as well.
Staff- Small AP decrease but still spammable, the don't need to pblock to mblock perk complimented by the stagger on mblock perk is even more powerful now since the PB zones are smaller, so mblocking with all styles has gotten harder either then staff (for which mblocking is pretty much the same as 1.3). I say either decrease staff's speed to make it less spammable or remove one of the two mblock perks.
Cyan- Finally removed the obnoxious parry perk, maybe decrease the combo size by 1 or 2 hits?
Duals- With katas' no longer gaining acc and the small AP decrease it has become alot more balanced and fun to play with and against (maybe make both sabers disarmable one by mblock the other by low bp disarm?).
Yellow- Love the drain acc on pblock perk gives yellow a chance against purple, cyan and blue.
Nudge- Happy to see it back from v0 I always loved it :)
Semi Pb- New and interesting. If yawing hasn't been removed (i dont know didn't try to use it in 1.4) then this will be a very nice feature, as players would have the choice of either using semi-pb while attacking for defensive play or yawing trying to land combo interrupts and deal heavy damage.
Cancelling combos on Pblock- This feature has gotten alot of hate from alot of the people I have talked to about it, but with the smaller pb zones and the reintroduction of nudge I think it is pretty balanced, It also makes the game alot less spammy and version 1.3 seems to reward players for spamming.
Lightning- Finally fixed waited like 5 months (thanks Stassin).

Suggestions: Aside from what I have already pointed out I have 1 suggestion, make combo interrupts actually interrupt combos. Aside from that I think 1.4 looks perfect and will definitely balance the saber system out and make all styles viable and allow new methods of gameplay unlike in the current version where most players are either red 3 hit spammers, blue spammers, cyan spammers, staff spammers or purple counter whores (1.3 has alot of spam in it XD).
Posted here because I didn't want to make a whole new topic and every other thread involving the saber system has been locked. Not sure why the saber system has taken the path it's on but since v0 it's slowly gotten worse and now this recent patch is at the point where I don't think it could get any worse.

{Δ} Achilles

Posted here because I didn't want to make a whole new topic and every other thread involving the saber system has been locked. Not sure why the saber system has taken the path it's on but since v0 it's slowly gotten worse and now this recent patch is at the point where I don't think it could get any worse.

Yup, it is pretty bad. However a few yellow users think it is fantastic, so it'll probably stay. I suggest you revert back to 1.3, like I did. There are still servers for it.

1.4 is incredibly boring, and most of my friends have moved on to other games.

We had better be careful though, Hitlou might close the thread for a mention of how bad 1.4 is.
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{Δ} Achilles

Unfortunately, Def!led also hates 1.3.


Whelp, guess that makes 1.4 better than 1.3 then, god praise be to 1.4. Can't wait for 1.5 where every style except yellow is removed, and CR3 becomes free with the purchase of 2 or more blobs.
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