Wookie Health 1 upgrades?

Edit: I mean HP upgrade level 0.

Anyone who plays Wookie looks at the HP upgrade and is appalled at how low it can go. 100 HP for a wookie? What. Only Soldiers (Reinforcements), Wookies, and SBDs (Battery) have upgrades that they cannot live without. I have already voiced my thoughts on soldier and SBD is getting a rework, so that just leaves Wookie. The problem is, what could wook get that would justify having as much total health as an armor 2 soldier?

WIth Ryyk blades in the works, I would assume Ryyk blades with rage could be an answer, but that HP downside hits too hard. The only thing I could think of is a auto-generating rage upgrade available only to HP 0 wooks. Either that or decreasing wookie size based on HP could possibly make up for it.

What do you guys think? (Pathetic post written by Extremely Sleep deprived Ranger TM)
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