Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Why is Legends mode always just imp stack and ridiculous classes that make no sense?

Every other random ass soldier class has Jedi Knight level saber skills and abilities, on top of having multiple lives.

So much saber resistance and DR in general for no reason.

Some classes are OP as hell while others are basically useless.

Why does Kyle suck so much? Did the authors of Legends never play the JK series?

Every single time that I play, rebs are getting their cheeks clapped something major.

I wish this mode could be fixed. I honestly don't think it's in a working state for the reason stated in the title. Keep in mind that a large portion of the player base simply chooses not to play because of how convoluted this mode is (including myself).

I think there needs to be a better balance. I'd be an advocate for making all the classes more OP in their own right. Maybe not rely on DR and saber weapons so much (like random droid and soldier classes having saber-like weapons). And making characters like Kyle actually close to how they are in the stories.

Maybe less classes or combining classes to create less. Less health and armor regen classes, or maybe nerf how they work. Remember health regenning just promotes people to run and hide, not good gameplay.

Don't just give super strong weapons to certain classes, make each class dangerous in their own right.

Idk, something's gotta give because the shit is not fun.

Thanks for reading my MB talk.
Taking things out from classes only make the game more volatile and less tolerant to changes. Remember, devs can't add a goddamn medic unit on Open because "that would break the balance", meanwhile in legends there are 2 per team, some have P3, forcepowers, 2 tds, that climbwall kick, and it doesnt feel too broken because you have more ways to play allowing you to counter those strats.

Of course there are some classes that feels broken, but they have to do like really fucked up things, like a droid with armor regain, EE-3, dex, dash, saber and plot armor, and the only broken thing here its the armor regain btw.

Imo balancing its not only about "taking things", it could be also about "giving things" which balance the game and enriches the gameplay too, showing what this game is capable of.
I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment that classes in Legends need streamlining and pruning towards a more cohesive design with classes that are more specialized and intuitive. A lot of classes are ridiculous in how over designed they are like Nien Nunb who for some reason needs 4 explosive types, 2 primary weapons, 4 abilities, a saber (Wrench), and a sentry gun. And then they just gave force sense immunity for the lols. I couldn't get my friend into the game post-Legends because having 60+ classes on each team with each one of them having a description too long to fit on the screen is very intimidating. Especially when the Legends wiki page hasn't been updated in half a decade. Legends is not accessible enough to be a mode for casuals, it's just kinda stupid.

Legends still has good moments, because they have a whole bunch of fun mechanics that Open players are too scrim-brained to accept, like grappling hooks, cloaking, healers, flip kick, det packs, etc.

I know people generally look down on "taking things" But Legends classes are so universally overkitted that it's necessary for the long-term health of the game. And I agree with people here, that one of the first things they should be looking at taking away are passive regen perks.