Troll side.

**Code of the Trolls:**

**There is no peace, only chaos.**
Peace is an illusion created by the weak to feel safe. In chaos, there is strength and the freedom to act without limits.

**Through chaos, I provoke reactions.**
The chaos I create stirs emotions and disrupts those around me. Every reaction strengthens me.

**Through reactions, I gain power.**
The emotions I evoke are the source of my influence. The more reactions I cause, the more power I gather.

**Through power, I achieve amusement.**
With the power to control chaos, I am free to entertain myself at the expense of others, manipulating their emotions and thoughts.

**Amusement sets me free.**
Only through boundless amusement do I find my true essence. Nothing can stop me, for true freedom is chaotic and without rules.

--- By Lord Blaze.
