I recently uncovered an old video of mine of MB2, about a year after I started playing. Figured let's start a thread of really old and shitty MB2 videos.
@Noob I was actually thinking the same thing, there should be an archive topic of all the old MB2 videos from back in B14 to current in order. Because between B14 and B18 i think we used to make actual 'movie scenes' which were hilarious, cool and painstakingly difficult to make. These scenes were non-canon scripts or canon.
@SeV Haha awesome - the legend of Xa4's wallrun must continue. I've seen mbt00 @Azuvector xD
I was desperately searching on YouTube for Veshzan (Or Varlesh)'s videos. They were like i said on the post above small narratives. Wish i could find them somewhere.