Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

New mode idea: Legacy


Legacy mode: A mode that combines Open and Legends. This mode would ultimately replace the need for Open and Legends.

Full Customization for all Characters from Legends. Now has an option to fully customize the character with pre-set customization based on Canonical abilities, or the option of player-choice customization, also includes customization of lightsaber hilt for Jedi/Sith.
Added remaining character roster from Open
Balancing changes for characters, so everyone is on a level playing field.
5 Live Characters now have 3 lives maximum
Various tweaks and changes to fix certain characters (ie: Mara Jade with no Force abilities)
Saber dueling tweaks (Blue is fixed and can drain ACM on opponents again. PB Zones are as they were in 1.4.5)
Various fixes and changes to guns and blasters (Sniper Rifle has it's stats from the 1.9.0 Update.)
Force Attunement from Open is removed.
Added Force abilities and other abilities from Legends, with additional powers and abilities from FA mode. Certain characters will have FA abiliites along with their existing Legends ones.
Cost for abilities and Force powers is more affordable in customization.
Added JKA Player customization option for Jedi and Sith.
Added Q3 ability for Jedi/Sith
Duel Mode is changed to match the customization options from Legacy Mode

This is what I have as an idea for now, but let me know what you guys think. :)


Supremacy Maintainer
Probationary Developer
View attachment 8472

Legacy mode: A mode that combines Open and Legends. This mode would ultimately replace the need for Open and Legends.

Full Customization for all Characters from Legends. Now has an option to fully customize the character with pre-set customization based on Canonical abilities, or the option of player-choice customization, also includes customization of lightsaber hilt for Jedi/Sith.
Added remaining character roster from Open
Balancing changes for characters, so everyone is on a level playing field.
5 Live Characters now have 3 lives maximum
Various tweaks and changes to fix certain characters (ie: Mara Jade with no Force abilities)
Saber dueling tweaks (Blue is fixed and can drain ACM on opponents again. PB Zones are as they were in 1.4.5)
Various fixes and changes to guns and blasters (Sniper Rifle has it's stats from the 1.9.0 Update.)
Force Attunement from Open is removed.
Added Force abilities and other abilities from Legends, with additional powers and abilities from FA mode. Certain characters will have FA abiliites along with their existing Legends ones.
Cost for abilities and Force powers is more affordable in customization.
Added JKA Player customization option for Jedi and Sith.
Added Q3 ability for Jedi/Sith
Duel Mode is changed to match the customization options from Legacy Mode

This is what I have as an idea for now, but let me know what you guys think. :)

You can load multiple siegeteams in the siegeteam1 or 2 cvars at a time, example “g_siegeteam1 fa1 fa2” and do the same for “g_siegeteam2” and pair multiple teams together. You could do the same with LEG_GOOD and LEG_EVIL from legends, and pair custom full authentics made to be tailored to be as close to open as possible, and there’s your combination of Legends and Open.

I started a new repository called competitive open which I was going to use to replicate open completely and players can fork it to make any changes they want, but made no progress on it but what the theme here would be to do is to copy open as much as possible in FA and you can combine legends characters with them, but you just got to be mindful of class limits. This would be a good start and a way to actually do something like this.
View attachment 8472

Legacy mode: A mode that combines Open and Legends. This mode would ultimately replace the need for Open and Legends.

Full Customization for all Characters from Legends. Now has an option to fully customize the character with pre-set customization based on Canonical abilities, or the option of player-choice customization, also includes customization of lightsaber hilt for Jedi/Sith.
Added remaining character roster from Open
Balancing changes for characters, so everyone is on a level playing field.
5 Live Characters now have 3 lives maximum
Various tweaks and changes to fix certain characters (ie: Mara Jade with no Force abilities)
Saber dueling tweaks (Blue is fixed and can drain ACM on opponents again. PB Zones are as they were in 1.4.5)
Various fixes and changes to guns and blasters (Sniper Rifle has it's stats from the 1.9.0 Update.)
Force Attunement from Open is removed.
Added Force abilities and other abilities from Legends, with additional powers and abilities from FA mode. Certain characters will have FA abiliites along with their existing Legends ones.
Cost for abilities and Force powers is more affordable in customization.
Added JKA Player customization option for Jedi and Sith.
Added Q3 ability for Jedi/Sith
Duel Mode is changed to match the customization options from Legacy Mode

This is what I have as an idea for now, but let me know what you guys think. :)
Yes, let's ruin Open further for the open players...
Then ruin L*gends for the l*gends players, and as the cherry on top fuck over the duel players too!

I'm all for it, man.
Yes, let's ruin Open further for the open players...
Then ruin L*gends for the l*gends players, and as the cherry on top fuck over the duel players too!

I'm all for it, man.

Can you elaborate? In what way will this ruin anything?
I think Open players are a bit too hardcore to be willing to a compromise. Kinda like how in the Team Fortress 2 community, the hardcore competitive players pushed really hard for the game to add an official competitive mode, only to immediately abandon the official competitive mode because it didn't perfectly match their ruleset because Valve tried to make the mode a compromise between casual and competitive player's preferences.

That said, considering how Legends classes have point builds, I think it would make a lot of sense to start combining classes. Why does Legends need Boba and Jango to be separate classes? Idk.
as a casual open player, I disagree
imo introducing legends mode was a mistake, and ideas like OP's are the result
you can't just water down the basic gameplay structure to the point where it's a completely different game
maybe consider forking mb2 and calling it something else, see if it goes well without ruining what people already enjoy
as a casual open player, I disagree
imo introducing legends mode was a mistake, and ideas like OP's are the result
you can't just water down the basic gameplay structure to the point where it's a completely different game
maybe consider forking mb2 and calling it something else, see if it goes well without ruining what people already enjoy

With hindsight, I would agree that Open mode should've been the mode for everyone and that Legends was a mistake. I think that Open in the past should have been more open to adding the gameplay mechanics and classes people wanted to see. If that happened, there would've been no demand for the mess that is Legends.

But now that Legends has already replaced Open as the defacto main populated mode, the Open community is mostly only active in scrims, it's create a competitive schism that leaves casual Open players like you and me with no great place to go.

So we have two main options to bridge this divide.
1) Making Open more like Legends with new classes to support diverse playstyles and provide better character representation.
2) Making Legends more like Open by streamlining and balancing classes while adding more customization.

Since Legends is the newer mode with the less stubborn audience, I simply suggest that the 2nd option would be the better PR move. Although I'm sure there are quite a few Open players who would welcome significant changes to Open, I think it's safe to assume Legends would on average be more open to change.

As far as I know MB2 isn't open source and can't be forked. But even if it could, this community has been killed off to the point where there isn't enough people to share across both versions. For a fork to even be playable, it would have to poach at least about 90% of this community. So I don't think it's possible for two communities to coexist unless some media miracle brings a huge influx of players.
With hindsight, I would agree that Open mode should've been the mode for everyone and that Legends was a mistake. I think that Open in the past should have been more open to adding the gameplay mechanics and classes people wanted to see. If that happened, there would've been no demand for the mess that is Legends.

But now that Legends has already replaced Open as the defacto main populated mode, the Open community is mostly only active in scrims, it's create a competitive schism that leaves casual Open players like you and me with no great place to go.

So we have two main options to bridge this divide.
1) Making Open more like Legends with new classes to support diverse playstyles and provide better character representation.
2) Making Legends more like Open by streamlining and balancing classes while adding more customization.

Since Legends is the newer mode with the less stubborn audience, I simply suggest that the 2nd option would be the better PR move. Although I'm sure there are quite a few Open players who would welcome significant changes to Open, I think it's safe to assume Legends would on average be more open to change.

As far as I know MB2 isn't open source and can't be forked. But even if it could, this community has been killed off to the point where there isn't enough people to share across both versions. For a fork to even be playable, it would have to poach at least about 90% of this community. So I don't think it's possible for two communities to coexist unless some media miracle brings a huge influx of players.
Have you ever tried just joining an open server to populate it? Join their Discord, some of them even have a @pop open ping.

But fuck those people for playing the game how they like and in doing so making it IMPOSSIBLE for you to play open!!! (Even though you could pop a server or join their pug)
Have you ever tried just joining an open server to populate it?
Yes I have, played Open yesterday on a populated public server.
But fuck those people for playing the game how they like and in doing so making it IMPOSSIBLE for you to play open!!!
I like Legends. I would be happy if Open changed to be more like Legends. I'm not some open purist who is trying to fuck anyone who likes Legends. You've proven my point about the schism problem. This harsh antagonism between the modes fandoms is exactly why I think it was a mistake to split the game community between modes. I called Legends a mistake, because it was a mistake to let Open get stale enough to the point where the community needed a new mode.