New Classes: Gungan + Magna Guard


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
This is something I threw out randomly in the 1.4.3 reaction thread, and since I'm on a roll right now posting ideas i like, and i'm still kind of fond of this one, i'm putting it in its own thread. It might be partially sourced from ideas other people had before that I read and then forgot I'd read.

so here it is:

Two new corresponding classes that each fit into a "jack of all trades" role in different ways, amounting to two tricky, versatile, fairly unique, but not really particularly strong classes.

Gungans for Red and Magna Guards for Blue. Both would be agile like Jedi with Jump 2. They'd be able to jump high and use all the get-ups, but wouldn't be able to wall-run. Both would get access to some kind of blaster. Gungans would get spears and hand-held energy shields. Magna Guards would get their electro-staffs. Gungans would be able to block shots (because of their shields), but not lightsabers. Magna Guards would be able to block lightsabers (of course), but not blaster shots. I would like if the blaster they had access to was essentially like an A280/DLT-20A with just the primary mode. Slow-ish rate of fire but high projectile speed for light sniping and support fire, meaning that they can contribute in a fire fight if they're a good shot, but they don't have much of a chance of winning against a saberist by spraying and praying for flinches.

The wookieepedia article on Gungan personal shields says that they can repel force lightning, which gives me the idea that the general purpose of both classes could be to deter certain lone-wolf saberist builds, without being that cost-efficient vs most other gunners. These lone-wolf saberist builds are already basically countered by switching to saberist yourself, but I'm sort of a "gunner main", so, nyeh.

Gungans would die instantly in Melee against a Sith, but if they could use their shield and gun at the same time, they would deter Jump+Lightning rushers. Their shield would give them a little bit of a Deka-ish regenerating-barrier role, and their spear in combination with their agility would let them pull off Jedi-style ambushes. I'm imagining that their spear would doooo 180 damage, and stab at about Yellow speed.

While the electro-staff can just use staff anims, the actual mechanics of stabbing with a spear could require entirely new animations and properties. It could just have a single attack wherein the gungan winds back for a moment and then does a sudden lunge with a very short-lasting hitbox. Alt-fire (with gun or spear out) would raise/activate your shield, slowing you to a walk.

In episode I, they have these weird EMP grenade balls that they use, so they could also be another class with EMP nades.

Magna Guards would be for people who mostly want to play gunner and support a Sith, but also want to be able to stand their ground without praying to the flinch gods, and are fine with being kind of overpriced for the amount of actual firepower (in both their melee and ranged damage) that they provide. And like being able to follow Sith who jump to weird spots. They would also be able to buy a level 3 version of the anti-Mindtrick droid perk, wherein they are practically immune to mindtrick.

And, like SBDs, they wouldn't have body damage multiplier zones. Cuz one gets his head cut off by Kenobi and keeps fighting.

(but they wouldn't be quite as tanky as SBDs. Or maybe they would! After all, they wouldn't have anywhere near the firepower of SBDs, and much like how Gungans would give Rebs a kind of a "Deka-lite" barrier character, a Magna Guard could be kind of a "Wookie-lite" in terms of tanking shots for the sake of a melee rushdown.)

(and it wouldn't be Wookiee tier because he wouldn't have Fury, and the electrostaff could probably do shitty damage or... just be flinchable, along with not being able to block shots at all.)

Gungans as described here may sound a little overpowered what with being able to barrier blaster shots and... jump away from saberists, but they wouldn't have Force Block and wouldn't have ARCs "can't get disarmed" dexterity perk, so they'd be extremely vulnerable to pull>slash when trying to escape, and, again, wouldn't be able to flinch that well with a slow-firing gun.
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Internal Beta Team
EU Official Server Admin
If the gungans can use the shield while firing it would be op. Instead make it like the most extreme survivor tool. You could use it while running and on every other situation but you cant use a gun or a spear with it. You could also block 1 lightsaber swing where it would stagger the Sith like a staff mblock, then it would take about 30 seconds to recharge. While running it would be on your side making you much more vulnerable.

All this may sound stupid to you cuz i dont have the same "vision" about this as you.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
I really like that last line of your post, I mean it. (edit: as far as acknowledging how people have sometimes inarticulable differences in "visions" and think each other are stupid because neither of them can understand their differences well enough.) (by which i don't mean to talk down to you, i just feel like i barely meet anyone who acknowledges that.) (i am very lonely) (it's true)

My vision's not super complete and if this got implemented at all, I'm sure things would change considerably during the testing phase, but here's my reply:

The shield wouldn't be OP (in theory) because it would have most of the same properties as the Deka shield, but wouldn't be anywhere near as tough. It would have maybe 250 health at full strength, and slow you down, so it would go down pretty quickly under sustained fire, and again, your own firepower wouldn't be anywhere near Deka level. There could be other properties to it to prevent you constantly raising and lower it, but how much of that would be necessary would become apparent during testing.

at this point i really prefer Gungans being entirely unable to block/parry lightsabers but, testing phase, yeah.

(not that i'm saying this will get to testing, or anywhere at all, of course.)
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