Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

MovieBattles II Hotfix Released


V1.6.1.1 Update

  • Fix: Outlier cases where players could no longer deal damage.
Duel Mode
  • Fix: Fixed an exploit which allowed for invalid models to be used in duel mode.
  • Fix: Addressed some issues with the midround spawning that may be contributing to lag/hitches when players join.
Legends Mode
  • New: Darth Traya added.
  • Fix: Cassian's class causing crash issues
  • Change: Over 25 classes have had minor balance adjustments for gameplay.

Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )

Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name


Internal Beta Team
Thanks for the info, SeV.

Another question: why have the backwacks from Red/Purple had their staggers reduced in duration? It was already risky enough to execute; it is even more precarious to do so now, with the enemy often having recovered from the stagger before your animation is over, allowing them to hit your back because the animation lasts longer than the stagger. I will check ingame again, just to be sure, but I am positive that the stagger duration has been decreased. If this is the case, then please revert it, as it is essentially deters you from using backwacks - even during (what should be) opportune moments to do so.


Internal Beta Team
Thanks for the info, SeV.

Another question: why have the backwacks from Red/Purple had their staggers reduced in duration? It was already risky enough to execute; it is even more precarious to do so now, with the enemy often having recovered from the stagger before your animation is over, allowing them to hit your back because the animation lasts longer than the stagger. I will check ingame again, just to be sure, but I am positive that the stagger duration has been decreased. If this is the case, then please revert it, as it is essentially deters you from using backwacks - even during (what should be) opportune moments to do so.

Good point. I hardly ever see them being used, which is a shame as they give max style points. I doubt anyone even thinks about doing the jumping backwards ones anymore.

Right now the special attacks are pretty fucked. Parrying YDFA is inconsistent and you can sometimes get hit by an invisible attack after it has been executed, and it drains half bp. In addition, you can just insta-activate ydfa in close range with the right timing, guaranteeing a cheesy attack for half bp. Special attacks in general are pretty broken atm, should probably talk more about fixing them. The only thing that seems to be in the pipes to balance them is to make them cost BP, with the exception of red for hops. I'd also like the reload on red-hop to be reverted to normal old-school execution since it is so clunky and the older way was much more elegant and smooth.


Internal Beta Team
Agree re red hop revert. Personally, I think it would be rather counterintuitive to make specials cost BP: blue lunge comes to mind, which is usually used as part of a defensive playstyle; it wouldn't make much sense for it to cost BP when it's often used as part of an 'impenetrable defense' playstyle.

What was wrong with previous iteration, ie special abilities costing FP? They were still easily countered- particularly Red DFA and Yellow DFA (go around back, and slice during Yellow DFA). I don't think we need to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Just my 2c.