JoyToKey ?

Is they're anyone here who uses JoyToKey for this beautiful mod i know i know most will just tell me to practice on keyboard but this is my personal preference if anyone can help i will greatly appreciate it
I have been using a controller in MBII for nearly 2 years (since I first started playing). Having read your previous thread, I thought I would try to give some info on how to set things setup.

JKA has native support for gamepads. All you have to do is look through the control settings and enable the 'Joystick' setting. Setting the x and y axis as buttons allows you to assign movement controls to them. Any button can be used and assigned so long as it is detected by Windows through Direct input or Xinput.

One thing to point out is the game doesn't support camera controls on gamepads; you can assign buttons to looking left and right, maybe up and down (can't remember), but these are digital inputs. Aiming with this would be like using the arrow keys on a keyboard to aim. A stiff and jerky mess, not something any one should try to play with.

Personally I use a mouse for aim, with my Dualshock 1 controller (yes I use a PS1 controller) mapped to directions and certain functions. Aiming with a mouse is the only way to play this game if you intend on being able to duel or aim with any skill. This is probably not what you want to hear though, since you are used to wandering around the screen using analogue sticks already.

If you are set on using the controller entirely, then JoyToKey is your best bet. I've used this software with many games that have no/ poor controller support.

You'll need to setup your controller so that the axis are correctly mapped in JoyToKey. To do this, open JoyToKey, click the "Settings(S)" tab, then click "Configure joysticks... (C)". Now click on the "Advanced setting for each device" tab, in there you should see a drop down list of any controllers you have connected to your computer.
Select your prefered controller, then under "Specify a preferred joystick number..." select "Joystick 1" from the drop down list. This will ensure JoyToKey uses your controller by default when mapping to the first joystick in your profiles.
Whilst still in the joystick settings page, try testing your analogue sticks out. If things are set correctly you should see a dot in each white square, each moving in the direction of your stick's movements. If the dots don't follow the directions you are pushing, then you'll need to experiment with the drop down options underneath the white boxes. On an Xbox controller there shouldn't be any need for extra tinkering, but all the same it is worth checking out before mapping controls.

Now for the fun part, mapping your analogue stick to the mouse. This is.. a tricky process to get right for your unique preference, since there are a few factors to think about. How fast should the mouse cursor move? Should it accelerate as the stick is pushed further from the centre? What should the acceleration curve be? You will be tinkering a fair amount to get this at an acceptable sensitivity. Also bare in mind that there is no aim assist or lock on functionality in MBII, you'll be manually aiming as if you were using a real mouse (because as far as Windows is concerned, you are moving the mouse cursor).

Back in the main interface of JoyToKey, create a new profile. Let's call it "MBII" for simplicity. With the profile highlighted, try using your controller. If all is well then you should see certain entries in the right panel lighting up. This shows that your controller is working and is correctly assigned as joystick 1.
Now to map the right analogue stick to the mouse. Move your right stick to the left. See which entry is highlighted. Once you've identified which entry needs mapping, right click on it and select "Edit button assignment".
From here you'll be presented with the mapping panel. At the top of the panel you'll notice several options for what to map to. Select the "Mouse" tab. Now notice in the top left there are a pair of sliders, horizontal and vertical. These should be self explanatory. Just bare in mind that you can play around with these settings live to adjust the sensitivity. As a first pitch, try setting each stick direction to a value of 50 of the equivelent mouse direction. So for moving the stick left, set the horizontal slider to the left, using a value of 50.
Set each direction up. Note that you may have to minimise JoyToKey for your controller to work with these mappings for testing.
Another recommendation I have is to set the mouse acceleration at x3 in the mapping settings. So back in the "Edit button assignment" panel, check in the top right at the "Analogue acceleration" slider. Set this at a value of 3 for each of the stick directions.
Once this is done you should be good to go, since you can set all the other controls in game without the need for mapping.

Since you use a modern controller with analogue triggers, these might not be seen as digital inputs. If you find that you can't assign them in game, try mapping them to keyboard keys. Any letter keys will do since you won't be using them except for typing (when you won't be using your controller).

If you find that your mouse is moving without you pressing the stick at all, you probably need to adjust the deadzone. To do this, go to the main interface of JoyToKey, then click on the "Options" tab. In there towards the bottom of the panel you should see two sliders for each of your sticks. Try a value of 10%, that should fix any wandering you might be suffering from depending on how worn out your controller is. Increase it if needed.

Remember to set your other controls in game. Enable the controller and set the x and y axis as buttons.

If you are running Windows 10, you might need to run MBII with administrative priveleges (JoyToKey inputs won't be sent to some applications without this). Try this if you find that you can't control the camera with your right stick in game.

I apologise for the length of this post, hopefully it will give you enough to get going on with setting up your controller.

Remember that MBII is not Battle Front. It is harder, more precise and will not help you in any way with your aim. You may get used to using a controller for aim, but even I used a mouse after a month of trying to snipe with an analogue stick. Actually recently I have started trying to use the keyboard rather than controller for movement. It's taking me a while to get used to WASDing, but is already paying off.
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In case you are curious, here is how I had my controls mapped:
Directions - left analogue stick
Walk/ run - L3
Crouch - L2
Jump - L1
Previous force power - left d-pad
Next force power - right d-pad
Saber style - down d-pad
Reload - up d-pad
Use - select
Show scores - start
Bow - triangle (Y)
Use force power - mouse 4 (rear side button)
Special ability (slap) - mouse 5 (front side button)
Primary attack - left mouse button
Secondary attack - right mouse button
Change weapon - scroll wheel up/ down
Special ability (throw saber/ mando rocket) - Mouse 3 (push down scroll wheel)

Bare in mind the PS1 controller is layed out differently to the eggsbox controller. I put Use on select because I could reach it from the analogue stick easily.