I Came Back Briefly, And you Devs somehow made the game even dogshit worse LMAO.

This mentality has permeated dueling since its inception; it does more harm than good.

Yellow has traditionally been a very solid style throughout the entirety of MB2's lifespan - I'd say the best style overall, as I can't recall when it was ever less than A-tier. Yellow is a great style to learn if you're new to the game as it has a great mixture of offense and defense, but there is no 'de facto' way to play a game mode that allows for a high degree of individuality and creativity.

There are 7 styles available for people to use (back in the day there were 3), and irrespective of how certain styles are doing, duelists (particularly those new to the game) should not be discouraged from using the style of their choice or deterred from trying different things out of fear of being labelled a 'random shit player'.

Note: this isn't to say that the current system is perfect (certain styles are definitely outliers).
I think people enjoy yellow vs yellow not because its a top tier style (we both know it isn't rn either) but more because the main game's standard style is Yellow (I mean you spawn with it in the first mission) the speed, dmg, hitboxes, bp and sb timings feel just right (still needs to be polish though, but much better than the other styles), so its the best competition style. Red vs Red for example ends in 1 combo while blue vs blue are long drawn-out slug fests that get boring quickly and the swings are mainly pb able only by prediction or luck and less by reaction.
Where do you see hate about yellow on my post?
I just stated facts, today yellow is almost the only saber style you'll see among playerbase.

Meanwhile some years ago players used to play with other styles too. I can't even remember the last time I saw someone playing with cyan or purple.

Obviously if player use yellow way more it's because in the actual state of the game it's the best saber style.
The fact that people say it's the top style is totally baffling I'm sorry, but it's just about the duel feeling, if people say it's op or top then it's just the biggest coping mechanism I have seen especially when they never bothered to play yellow at the top level either. I as a yellow-only top player can say the yellow player enemies are not the most annoying enemies to face, but people who use fast styles with high bp, you need a while to kill them just because they have a bigger BP pool, they can parry whenever they want and try to spam fast attacks that you can only try to predict there is nothing to react to and you need to attack way faster than ever or you just get interrupt spammed no time for any cool moves you use in yellow vs yellow like masking, delayed yawing or 360 yawing
its bc most of yall are cheeks and have yet to learn the game enough to use another style. yellow is not the best style just the easiest to learn with since its well rounded and p. safe
It's not the easiest style, I started to play mb2 with blue and I think the styles with fast attacks and high bp are the easiest to learn, ofc you need better sb, but people just spam halfswings instead. Duals is also pretty easy since I see people use it who never bothered to learn pb. Many people get encouraged to learn yellow, because it has a lot of depth and because its the style most people compete in. You can learn shit for yellow that makes absolutely no sense with blue, like masking and such there is a lot of variation and much to learn. For example, most yellow players have a way different style, but blue players all almost play the same for me
This Saber build has been around for 6 years and it has become beyond brain rot at this point. But please Lock-Down just wait, "2 Weeks" for Tempests Saber update.
It's not the easiest style, I started to play mb2 with blue and I think the styles with fast attacks and high bp are the easiest to learn, ofc you need better sb, but people just spam halfswings instead. Duals is also pretty easy since I see people use it who never bothered to learn pb. Many people get encouraged to learn yellow, because it has a lot of depth and because its the style most people compete in. You can learn shit for yellow that makes absolutely no sense with blue, like masking and such there is a lot of variation and much to learn. For example, most yellow players have a way different style, but blue players all almost play the same for me
Yellow in general in dueling and open has always been a good style and you see a lot of players using it.
Yellow in general in dueling and open has always been a good style and you see a lot of players using it.
Thats bullshit blue, cyan and duals are leagues better in open mode and thats the only shit I see people have success with there. I would like to see you duel somebody on the same skill level where you use yellow and the enemy uses blue you would get rekt without chance


Internal Beta Team
last good patch was b16
Last good patch was the one before they fucked with nade jump. It's been downhill ever since. After nade jump they made it so you could no longer push the younglings if you're on rebel side in JediTemple. Then, they fixed the mustafar stuck spot on imp spawn (that's bob's fault btw, he reported that). Deathstar prison cells? Man, I sure loved timewasting there. Boom, gone. Hiding inside boba fett's ship on cloudcity? Removed. Getting the elevators on deathstar's rebel spawn stuck? I don't think so buddy. Anyone remember the shwing voiceline? Yeah, who needs funny taunts anyways. Tking at the beginning of the round to assert dominance? Nope, you'll be permabanned from the internet before you can do 5 points of damage to your target. Throwing a thermal detonator to a deka? Insta-ban, best case scenario you get 2 extra kills. Everything that could be said about speedlunging has been said at this point, but yes, that was a fuckup as well. Pesky was an artist, the kind you only see once every 1000 years. CMP Telos was his canvas, and speedlunging was his brush. Yet, since the patch, I haven't seen him once. So I ask; who are you devs, to deprive the world of such an artist? Who are you to deprive the world of such beauty? We've been blessed with a modern day Michael Angelo, and you choose to cast him off? To exile him? The arrogance.

All these changes are done to favor the tryhards, but my take is that if these gnome nerds are so good at the game, they should be able to kill the trolls / tkers and move on, right? If anything, having people in your team working against you increases the difficulty of the game. Sort of like spies in TF2. Isn't that what these tryhards are looking for, a challenge? If you see a teammate force pushing a youngling on top of the elevator so his head gets crushed once it reaches the ceiling, you should TK said teammate, not go crying to the devs. Instead, they choose to involve a third party because they're too afraid to stand up for themselves. If you ask me, scrimmers hiding behind the devs when the trolls come knocking seems kinda gay.

I remember during templar(+) days (RIP Bully btw, god rest his soul) trolls and scrimmers used to live together in perfect chaos, and the friction between both factions created the spark that made the game enjoyable. Such fond memories I have of tking there. Nowadays mankind is divided, half living in Gonk heaven, and the other living in aliit. Sure, there's a little overlap, you'll often see missionaries from one side visiting the other kingdom, but for the most part each nation sticks to their piece of land. Neither group will admit this, but I think we all miss playing together. Trolling amongst trolls is fun, but there's nothing like trolling tryhards. The adrenaline of chasing down a top fragger and the dopamine rush of ruining a perfect K/D. The fact that he has put all the effort in the world staying alive for 20 rounds, destroying every opponent in his path, only to get backstabbed by a teammate using a kit fisto skin. That's beauty, that's art. Running in front of a teammate sniper so he blows up your head instead and gets kicked.. I'm getting a warm feeling just thinking about it. And I have to imagine scrimmer servers get equally stale after a while. I think a part of them wishes they could remove the stick they have up their ass and actually have fun playing the game. We all know this isn't Counter Strike, this will never be a serious shooter. So, to all the tryhards: get crazy every once in a while, you know? You see a big group of teammates behind a locked door, and looking at your inventory you find some frag nades. A feeling starts rushing in, you feel butterflies in your stomach. So what if I have to wait 10 rounds after? This is worth it. Say it with me, this is worth it. Then, gently pull the safety off your nade, and let go. Don't try to run. You go down with them. There's honor in that. There's honor in trolling. Stop trying to silence us, stop trying to nerf us. #TrollLivesMatter
Last good patch was the one before they fucked with nade jump. It's been downhill ever since. After nade jump they made it so you could no longer push the younglings if you're on rebel side in JediTemple. Then, they fixed the mustafar stuck spot on imp spawn (that's bob's fault btw, he reported that). Deathstar prison cells? Man, I sure loved timewasting there. Boom, gone. Hiding inside boba fett's ship on cloudcity? Removed. Getting the elevators on deathstar's rebel spawn stuck? I don't think so buddy. Anyone remember the shwing voiceline? Yeah, who needs funny taunts anyways. Tking at the beginning of the round to assert dominance? Nope, you'll be permabanned from the internet before you can do 5 points of damage to your target. Throwing a thermal detonator to a deka? Insta-ban, best case scenario you get 2 extra kills. Everything that could be said about speedlunging has been said at this point, but yes, that was a fuckup as well. Pesky was an artist, the kind you only see once every 1000 years. CMP Telos was his canvas, and speedlunging was his brush. Yet, since the patch, I haven't seen him once. So I ask; who are you devs, to deprive the world of such an artist? Who are you to deprive the world of such beauty? We've been blessed with a modern day Michael Angelo, and you choose to cast him off? To exile him? The arrogance.

All these changes are done to favor the tryhards, but my take is that if these gnome nerds are so good at the game, they should be able to kill the trolls / tkers and move on, right? If anything, having people in your team working against you increases the difficulty of the game. Sort of like spies in TF2. Isn't that what these tryhards are looking for, a challenge? If you see a teammate force pushing a youngling on top of the elevator so his head gets crushed once it reaches the ceiling, you should TK said teammate, not go crying to the devs. Instead, they choose to involve a third party because they're too afraid to stand up for themselves. If you ask me, scrimmers hiding behind the devs when the trolls come knocking seems kinda gay.

I remember during templar(+) days (RIP Bully btw, god rest his soul) trolls and scrimmers used to live together in perfect chaos, and the friction between both factions created the spark that made the game enjoyable. Such fond memories I have of tking there. Nowadays mankind is divided, half living in Gonk heaven, and the other living in aliit. Sure, there's a little overlap, you'll often see missionaries from one side visiting the other kingdom, but for the most part each nation sticks to their piece of land. Neither group will admit this, but I think we all miss playing together. Trolling amongst trolls is fun, but there's nothing like trolling tryhards. The adrenaline of chasing down a top fragger and the dopamine rush of ruining a perfect K/D. The fact that he has put all the effort in the world staying alive for 20 rounds, destroying every opponent in his path, only to get backstabbed by a teammate using a kit fisto skin. That's beauty, that's art. Running in front of a teammate sniper so he blows up your head instead and gets kicked.. I'm getting a warm feeling just thinking about it. And I have to imagine scrimmer servers get equally stale after a while. I think a part of them wishes they could remove the stick they have up their ass and actually have fun playing the game. We all know this isn't Counter Strike, this will never be a serious shooter. So, to all the tryhards: get crazy every once in a while, you know? You see a big group of teammates behind a locked door, and looking at your inventory you find some frag nades. A feeling starts rushing in, you feel butterflies in your stomach. So what if I have to wait 10 rounds after? This is worth it. Say it with me, this is worth it. Then, gently pull the safety off your nade, and let go. Don't try to run. You go down with them. There's honor in that. There's honor in trolling. Stop trying to silence us, stop trying to nerf us. #TrollLivesMatter
What next are the developers going to nerf/remove? Solders, jedi deflect, mando? Teamkilling?
Last good patch was the one before they fucked with nade jump. It's been downhill ever since. After nade jump they made it so you could no longer push the younglings if you're on rebel side in JediTemple. Then, they fixed the mustafar stuck spot on imp spawn (that's bob's fault btw, he reported that). Deathstar prison cells? Man, I sure loved timewasting there. Boom, gone. Hiding inside boba fett's ship on cloudcity? Removed. Getting the elevators on deathstar's rebel spawn stuck? I don't think so buddy. Anyone remember the shwing voiceline? Yeah, who needs funny taunts anyways. Tking at the beginning of the round to assert dominance? Nope, you'll be permabanned from the internet before you can do 5 points of damage to your target. Throwing a thermal detonator to a deka? Insta-ban, best case scenario you get 2 extra kills. Everything that could be said about speedlunging has been said at this point, but yes, that was a fuckup as well. Pesky was an artist, the kind you only see once every 1000 years. CMP Telos was his canvas, and speedlunging was his brush. Yet, since the patch, I haven't seen him once. So I ask; who are you devs, to deprive the world of such an artist? Who are you to deprive the world of such beauty? We've been blessed with a modern day Michael Angelo, and you choose to cast him off? To exile him? The arrogance.

All these changes are done to favor the tryhards, but my take is that if these gnome nerds are so good at the game, they should be able to kill the trolls / tkers and move on, right? If anything, having people in your team working against you increases the difficulty of the game. Sort of like spies in TF2. Isn't that what these tryhards are looking for, a challenge? If you see a teammate force pushing a youngling on top of the elevator so his head gets crushed once it reaches the ceiling, you should TK said teammate, not go crying to the devs. Instead, they choose to involve a third party because they're too afraid to stand up for themselves. If you ask me, scrimmers hiding behind the devs when the trolls come knocking seems kinda gay.

I remember during templar(+) days (RIP Bully btw, god rest his soul) trolls and scrimmers used to live together in perfect chaos, and the friction between both factions created the spark that made the game enjoyable. Such fond memories I have of tking there. Nowadays mankind is divided, half living in Gonk heaven, and the other living in aliit. Sure, there's a little overlap, you'll often see missionaries from one side visiting the other kingdom, but for the most part each nation sticks to their piece of land. Neither group will admit this, but I think we all miss playing together. Trolling amongst trolls is fun, but there's nothing like trolling tryhards. The adrenaline of chasing down a top fragger and the dopamine rush of ruining a perfect K/D. The fact that he has put all the effort in the world staying alive for 20 rounds, destroying every opponent in his path, only to get backstabbed by a teammate using a kit fisto skin. That's beauty, that's art. Running in front of a teammate sniper so he blows up your head instead and gets kicked.. I'm getting a warm feeling just thinking about it. And I have to imagine scrimmer servers get equally stale after a while. I think a part of them wishes they could remove the stick they have up their ass and actually have fun playing the game. We all know this isn't Counter Strike, this will never be a serious shooter. So, to all the tryhards: get crazy every once in a while, you know? You see a big group of teammates behind a locked door, and looking at your inventory you find some frag nades. A feeling starts rushing in, you feel butterflies in your stomach. So what if I have to wait 10 rounds after? This is worth it. Say it with me, this is worth it. Then, gently pull the safety off your nade, and let go. Don't try to run. You go down with them. There's honor in that. There's honor in trolling. Stop trying to silence us, stop trying to nerf us. #TrollLivesMatter

I don't usually post because I could get banned for saying "hello" but I have to send this GIF of my emotions while reading your nice blocked and developed text Blaze. I love you. I would hug you if I had you in front. All what has been said are facts that are killing the community. Congratulations for such an elaborated post.

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