Hello, I am a new player interested in MB2 and would like some pointers for playing the game.

As stated in the title of the thread I am interested in tips/tricks for getting relatively decent at the game as well as servers that are a bit friendlier to new players.


As stated in the title of the thread I am interested in tips/tricks for getting relatively decent at the game as well as servers that are a bit friendlier to new players.

Welcome to MB2, there's plenty of communities In all regions that are glad to help out new players with any questions on the mod.

Australian and New Zealand MBII: Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities
Sandbox NA Scrims - Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities
EU Scrimming Community - Join the Colosseum Discord Server!

These discords host competitive events and have a lot of experienced players that can help you with any questions you might have.

Some tips I can offer you Is to play some multi-life classes, Soldier Is generally reccomended to start out with since you get 3 lives, and If you communicate to an Elite Trooper (Rebels) or Commander (Imperials) and ask for them to take the class skill Rally, It will allow you to constantly stay In the battle and respawn near them so you're never alone, (As long as you're in close enough proximity to them) strength Is In numbers.

If you find Soldier to be a little too boring, pick up a class like Clone, Elite Trooper or Commander, these all have two lives available and have great class skills for survivability, Elite trooper and Commanders have an activated dodge that allows you to (almost) move from cover to cover safely, Clones have activated Increased movement speed and two types of defensive energy blobs, making them a strong versatile class.

For general gameplay, play around the terrain, use cover and try to bait enemy players shots, listen for a reload sound (It will generally give you anywhere from half a second to a couple seconds to move. If you're out in the open away from any cover at all, you will most likely die very quickly, If that's the case, stick with your team "most" players generally know what they're doing but you may also be playing with very new players as well, sticking with a Jedi/Sith Is generally a good Idea, but a new player on those classes may not know how to use it. If you want any idea on how "New" a player Is, check the Scoreboard and look for their name, their score should be a good Indicator of the kind of player they are.

If you're looking for a more competitive side of the game all regions I previously mentioned host pick up games that cater all skill levels of players, they might be a bit intimidating for newer players, but you will be able to pick up a lot more about the mod from these games.

Good luck, see you In game. (Stay hyrdrated)
Welcome to MB2, there's plenty of communities In all regions that are glad to help out new players with any questions on the mod.

Australian and New Zealand MBII: Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities
Sandbox NA Scrims - Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities
EU Scrimming Community - Join the Colosseum Discord Server!

These discords host competitive events and have a lot of experienced players that can help you with any questions you might have.

Some tips I can offer you Is to play some multi-life classes, Soldier Is generally reccomended to start out with since you get 3 lives, and If you communicate to an Elite Trooper (Rebels) or Commander (Imperials) and ask for them to take the class skill Rally, It will allow you to constantly stay In the battle and respawn near them so you're never alone, (As long as you're in close enough proximity to them) strength Is In numbers.

If you find Soldier to be a little too boring, pick up a class like Clone, Elite Trooper or Commander, these all have two lives available and have great class skills for survivability, Elite trooper and Commanders have an activated dodge that allows you to (almost) move from cover to cover safely, Clones have activated Increased movement speed and two types of defensive energy blobs, making them a strong versatile class.

For general gameplay, play around the terrain, use cover and try to bait enemy players shots, listen for a reload sound (It will generally give you anywhere from half a second to a couple seconds to move. If you're out in the open away from any cover at all, you will most likely die very quickly, If that's the case, stick with your team "most" players generally know what they're doing but you may also be playing with very new players as well, sticking with a Jedi/Sith Is generally a good Idea, but a new player on those classes may not know how to use it. If you want any idea on how "New" a player Is, check the Scoreboard and look for their name, their score should be a good Indicator of the kind of player they are.

If you're looking for a more competitive side of the game all regions I previously mentioned host pick up games that cater all skill levels of players, they might be a bit intimidating for newer players, but you will be able to pick up a lot more about the mod from these games.

Good luck, see you In game. (Stay hyrdrated)
Thanks! I will be taking your tips into consideration. :)