Give back White Sabers

Apparently white sabers are for devs only, which is a total joke because everyone knows that devs don't play this shit lol

Even if they do, they never use it, so why not let the players use it? The only time I've seen a white saber in the past 3 years is when players got to use the command to have it. An extra cosmetic thing never hurt anybody. White sabers ARE canon now as well if that's an issue to anyone. If you really want devs to be recognized, then maybe have a tag or prefix before their name that says "[DEV]" or somethin? Regardless, give us white sabers, I've yet to hear a genuinely good argument as to why we can't have them (or at least an argument that can't be easily solved.)

also bring back classic dotf


Slayed dreamer
... And once again, this brings us to the question that nobody who were advocating enabling white sabers has answered yet:
Who is gonna get those sabers?

If white sabers will be available to jedi only, not for sith, how fair is that? What sith would have for a change?
Black sabers aren't possible at this time, they would require a lot work just to make them happen.
And black sabers aren't very good for dark maps.

If white sabers could be used both by jedi and sith, that would create a huge mess in open mode, it would be more difficult to tell friends from foes. Please no matching saber colors for light and dark side in my MBII, thank you.

Cannot argue against white sabers for duel mode only, though.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Cannot argue against white sabers for duel mode only, though.

With the new UI, were generally trying to make it less complicated to use and modify for us. Resulting in less menus overall, and less bloated menus. I'd personally like to not add more things that make those menus more complicated with multiple things to test against.

One of the biggest things I want to do is remove the massive complexity of the current color preset thingies we have for characters because man that whole thing is a mess.
With the new UI, were generally trying to make it less complicated to use and modify for us. Resulting in less menus overall, and less bloated menus. I'd personally like to not add more things that make those menus more complicated with multiple things to test against.

One of the biggest things I want to do is remove the massive complexity of the current color preset thingies we have for characters because man that whole thing is a mess.
Despite the white sabers I am a but more focused on old dotf. What is there to argue with that. Classic dotf was much better than todays dotf it was a masterpiece. Have you guys been thinking about adding old dotf back? I want it the players beg for it.
this has probably been said, i didn't read any of the replies, but if white sabers were added it would be very confusing to teammates. players are already getting mixed up in the game as it is. you don't know how many times i've been tk'd and given the excuse of "Sorry, I thought you were a sith because you had a pink lightsaber!" now this isn't a bad excuse, it makes sense, but if the developers were to release a white saber color, you can only imagine how much worse it would get. EVERYBODY would be using a white lightsaber, and you would have a much harder time deciding who was on your team or not. models would be the only difference at that point, and it's just not a good idea.

do I want white lightsabers in MB2? yes, with all of my heart and soul. and I personally think it'd be fun up until I think about the technicalities and details of what would actually happen. it's just not a wise idea for open mode. there are, however, white lightsabers on certain FA maps such as the zombie McDonalds one. but beyond that, i don't think they will ever be added to open mode officially.
just bunch of unique snowflakes begging for attention.
I don't understand this at all, how is using a unique Saber color that generally fits well with some skins being a snowflake that begs for attention?

Rose tinted glasses rather than an objective outlook.
Classic DOTF is more fun, there's more places and routes to go down that make it more fun. New DOTF might look prettier, but otherwise it's pretty boring in comparison to classic.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
more places and routes to go down that make it more fun.

Again, not being objective. Definitely more routes in the new map.

Sure you can argue the second bit, but the first bit is entirely false.
No you dont. The more people that just annoy me for the sake of annoying me, the more I delay it. Don't pester me every day or so like people have been, and you might see it sooner.
That's complete horseshit, if nobody told you to do it you would say that nobody wants it and let us forget about it. If anything, adding classic dotf would solve your "annoyance" problem altogether. The community clearly enjoyed playing it more, I don't see why you don't just change it- the community would be happy and nobody would have to bother you about it.