Playing Jedi Academy in 2025
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Hosting Server Custom mbiided + Private Duel Isolation + GCC to mimic ICC precision

For simple terms instead of reading below, when in private duels, the player collision issues have been resolved. Along with smoother server performance.

After doing much testing after so many years trying to debug where the results could be even considered close to linuxjampded/jampDed.exe from 2003. This is not an MB2 issue at all but more of from OpenJK. I am also trying to get this approved and pulled into the mb2 github repo under experimental branch for future releases.

Pull repo here
The link to my github for this project is here

The duel isolation is integrated server side into the mbiided.* dedicated binary so players cannot have any interference out or in of the private duel. Before when you used to private duel the players outside or in the duel they could run into another player or vice versa and get stuck.

I would like any server owner or host to give this ago and try out for better smoother performance for all game modes.

Below are the files to replace, make sure you keep a backup just incase you want to switch back.

Linux - mbiided
Windows - mbiided

Just make sure the server is not running and give the binaries execute access by chmod +x mbiided.i386

What needs testing is to make sure if you are running the server performance is running smoother and when in private duels, notice that the player collision issues have been resolved.

I run these on any of the CloneArmy servers at NA, the AU Open/Duel and NA MB2 Community Duel if you would like to test.

Any feedback will be helpful also when testing it out.
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