phoenix has a mental disability

  1. Phoenix

    Give back White Sabers

    Apparently white sabers are for devs only, which is a total joke because everyone knows that devs don't play this shit lol Even if they do, they never use it, so why not let the players use it? The only time I've seen a white saber in the past 3 years is when players got to use the command to...
  2. Phoenix

    MB2 Funny Moments

    So I’ve been making these videos for roughly a year now, I’m not sure as to how many people have seen them so I’ll just post them all here. I’d appreciate feedback on what to improve, and which one was your favorite. Enjoy :)
  3. Phoenix

    Skinny Sabers [UNOFF. PNK 1.8 UPDATE] - For MBII v1.5

    UPDATE: The lightsabers in this addon simply makes the blades skinnier to give off a more Star Wars: Rebels type of design. Requires Penekepack to work. You NEED Penekepack for this to work properly. All you have to do is add this patch edit and you're good to go. To Install: Simply drag...