
  1. Bully

    Fixed g_balance has a few issues

    I observed two issues with this cvar while testing for open mode. For these issues I'm going off the description in the server_config_default.cfg, this goes as follows: Issue #1: g_balance "0" doesn't work as intended What went wrong: A spectating player was able to unbalance the teams when...
  2. Bully

    Hosting Server CTF round timer

    I really want to change the CTF round timer but I have not been able to find any conventional way of editing it. Is there a cvar I can set somewhere? Any help or workaround would be appreciated.
  3. Lessen

    Disable first person pain effects

    The red flash and camera shove that happen when you get shot in first person are the single biggest issue with first person, and make it incredibly aggravating to use in a close quarters gunfight. In my experience, first person is actually very useful for gunners in lots of situations, because...