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  1. Alodey

    Technical Issue not found

    Hmm..he don't like my server.cfg :/ It's now in both folder. One in the MBII and the other in the mainfolder. :(
  2. Alodey

    Technical Issue not found

    So the error disappeared but now this happend I searched it with the IP:29070 but couldn't find it :(
  3. Alodey

    Technical Issue not found

    I didn't see an /usr/lib folder o-O should it be in MBII?
  4. Alodey

    Technical Issue not found

    Hello! Before I start with my problem, I am very sorry for my bad english. I hope you can understand me well. Or maybe I talk like Yoda ^^` So, I tried to make my own server on an Ubuntu 20.04 server. I looked at many guides and upload these files: Base (with assets files) MBII linuxjampded...