Search results

  1. avo maki


    Ey Guys and gals,My name is Avo Maki ;Originally from Star wars : The old Republic and recently gotten into Mb2. I am the GM for a Heavy Jedi Role-playing guild called Vulpter Enclave with active members on Swtor as well as Moviebattles2. We mainly focus on RP and use MB2 for some of our...
  2. avo maki

    |VE| Roleplay on Moviebattles 2

    You disagree with a group of mb2 players who DON'T RPon public servers but rather their own private server? :o
  3. avo maki

    |VE| Roleplay on Moviebattles 2

    |VE| SWTOR & Star Wars Jedi academy (moviebattles 2 mod) | Heavy RP| | Master/Padawan | |Regular Training | |Regular Events | | Jedi Enclave RP | | Light-side only | | Discord |
  4. avo maki

    |VE| Roleplay on Moviebattles 2

    We are welcoming any Roleplayers to form part of |VE| on Moviebattles2.. We are a Heavy Jedi Enclave RP guild and will require you to rename to your Jedi you will be roleplaying as well as following the designed rules that constitute an Enclave's rules. Our timeline is set in the Old Republic...