Does it need to be in MBII Folder or in GameData? The server starts but gets lagspikes because of Hitch Warnings so I removed the server.cfg in MBII Folder now it doesn't start oh and the MBIIServer.bat is in GameData folder. The server.cfg were both in GameData and in MBII folder btw
Sure, I will be removing the rcon pass and smod logins If you dont mind
// Movie Battles II
// Sample Server Config
// Server Config:
seta sv_hostname "^5The ^3Chez^5||^3Open" // Name of your server
seta g_motd "" // Message of the Day
I did everything correctly, allowed it in firewall everything except port forwading which I haven't done yet, and my friends cannot connect to the server but I can and It's listed in the local server list but not in the internet server list. How do I make it so my friends can connect to the...
When will you accept me to Y4? I sent my application since 2018 and I haven't got a response yet... It wasn't declined nor accepted, message me as soon as possible thank you, master noel.