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  1. Lunar

    Unconfirmed Laming private duels

    yeah also if you switch to melee you can interfere with private duelists just by running into them, there's still collision.
  2. Lunar

    Is Moviebattles 2 dying?

    its just a game bro only one mad here is u
  3. Lunar

    Is Moviebattles 2 dying?

    cringe af.
  4. Lunar

    US official duel RTV is broken

    not sure whats exactly wrong but the rtv for this server doesnt work at all and hasnt in a long time... plz fix.
  5. Lunar

    NA Dueling Championship - Weekly Challenger Tournaments

    AOD_Loonar steam - lunar4
  6. Lunar

    Red lightsabers for Jedi?

    i remember a time when devs didnt get jack shit for their efforts, let alone a special saber color.