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  1. F

    Projectile Rifle

    ITT: a sniper cries :rolleyes:
  2. F

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    This statement discredits your entire suggestion.
  3. F

    Projectile Rifle

    Nearly all of my deaths from a projectile rifle have come from being shot in the back, or body. I can't name once where I died from being shot in the head, that usually comes from the pistol. I think all of Tempest's solutions are wonderful, but something really should be done about the actual...
  4. F


    No, you're getting to a point where they're completely and utterly gutted. A bad Jedi in previous patches was always a joke to fight, when people who put in the time to learn the class were a serious menace. Now almost any class can fight them easily, and they're almost always guaranteed to get...
  5. F

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    Where? Because all that's easy to find are outdated guides that mention shit like saber perks and Q3. If the devs published a guide that was updated with each patch that was maybe co-written by good duelers people would probably hate the saber system less every time they gut it. At the very...
  6. F


    I'd rather not have faggots pestering me ingame over opinions I hold on a forum I don't even want to be posting on, so no. But clearly enough isn't being said about the imbalance gunners have over saberists so I'll be the one to do it. I think a slightly larger knockback from being shot would...
  7. F


    How is legitimate complaints about imbalance "whining"? And yes, I'm aware of what flinch was supposed to fix. That's my issue with it. Knockback worked completely fine and didn't screw me over when I was playing either gunner or saberist. I knew how to work with it, and I knew how to plan for...
  8. F


    You don't have a case. That's like me saying this >good gunner >gunkicks sabers Many of my complaints would be fixed if flinch was removed, but casuals won't allow that to happen. So what am I supposed to do, move at a snails pace to swingblock?
  9. F


    1v1, no, you're not meant to. A good SBD will always win especially with the current system, especially since they were designed (if you pick Cortosis) to be anti-Jedi. However, in other instances of 1v1 against other classes, the SBD can be at a huge disadvantage. Unlike Heroes and BHs who can...
  10. F


    Nice non arguement, wish I could dig up all the instances of gunners screeching about push or cyan's deflect. Also, even if you did have regenerating ammo and grenades, if you shared the same rate our shit regenerates you'd probably still only be able to throw one or two grenades out. I've...
  11. F

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    The immense butchering of the saber system -- the main draw of the game -- is why this mod is dying. Not only that, but as many other users have mentioned, there is absolutely no cohesive up-to-date guide on how to play the game whenever there's an update. This forces many people to learn things...
  12. F


    You know the absolute best way to sum up not only a bad patch, but the people who are making these horrid changes? When the official feedback thread is locked NINE FUCKING DAYS after it launches. I've been playing this mod for around three years now and I've never had to actually sign up and say...