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  1. TheSluttiestPheasant

    MovieBattles II V1.6.1 Released

    This is so sad. Alexa, play Revenge of the Sith OST, Rise of the Empire, by John Williams.
  2. TheSluttiestPheasant

    MovieBattles II V1.6 Released

    🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 FLINCH IS GONE 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 In all seriousness, this was a welcome surprise after being away for a while. Great work devs, keep it up!
  3. TheSluttiestPheasant

    MovieBattles II V1.5.5 Released

    It's about time that we finally get some of the classic maps. Haven't played NS_streets in 7 years. Edit: Never heard of power battles until now. But after seeing that preview,I hope you guys don't remove those maps in the future.
  4. TheSluttiestPheasant

    What do you record MB2 gameplay with?

    I record video with my microphone and audio with shadowplay.
  5. TheSluttiestPheasant


    Have him be immune to mind trick as well.
  6. TheSluttiestPheasant

    15 Years of Movie Battles

    The menu looks fantastic and I'm excited for the tutorial.