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  1. F

    About Kamino

    Imagine you're a B16 vet, playing as rebels on Cloud City on a cold winter morning. The round starts off and both team members take their usual spots to engage in some wild action. Then right when you grab your sniper rifle and take a sip of your steaming Viennese Melange, a random sith runs in...
  2. F

    Jedi Temple needs more spawn points

    Not really a bug but the other day I got "crushed into another dimension" because a rebel team mate spawned inside / very close to me. The server was full (32) and rebs were probably unevenly stacked. Anyways I guess Jedi Temple map needs more spread out spawn points so the rounds aren't wasted...
  3. F

    It is time to become one

    As you all know our beloved MBII has went through some trouble which is why during times like these we must unite even stronger and look out for each other. Therefore I’m proud to announce that Midgets of Piss is now accepting new citizens. Let’s start off with some FAQ What is mop (midgets of...