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  1. GamerChad42

    Nerf duals

    Duals suck because they aren't fun to play with or against, even though the style is easily rolled over once you learn its timing. Give duals red's combo restriction and buff its damage a bit. It'd force you to think before you combo but leaves halfswings the same. 5 hit combos would also take...
  2. GamerChad42

    sentinel bans me for hacking

    Hilarious that you call it a 'misunderstanding' when you still haven't given any actual reason for the ban and keep going on unhinged tangents
  3. GamerChad42

    SandyLover Pandemodium Tking when Admin Lovers Offline, And Gamertrash Duel Fail, Apex Lover Soft Aimbot Assist EXPOSED!

    all you do since this day is grip spam and run away..... i think you are scared
  4. GamerChad42

    Sadmin Abuse In CB Training Duels LoL

    That was James. I vividly remember beating your ass fairly easily so I can't imagine he was struggling too hard trying to beat you