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  1. P

    You seriously nerfed speed lunge?

    I might have been taking a break when that was introduced. Speed lunge was still barely used even back then, and that was before you could swing block blaster fire. It's pretty amazing how little speed lunge has actually changed, and yet now it's considered imbalanced to be able to speed lunge...
  2. P

    You seriously nerfed speed lunge?

    It's still a complete nuisance. Now it's just a worse complete nuisance.
  3. P

    Moviebattles II V1.10.0.5 Released

    You can show me numbers but I'll still tell you it feels like shit. Go and use it within what you think the minimum range is and tell me it doesn't feel terrible. When I used it yesterday I wasn't even particularly close to the person I was lunging at and I still wasn't able to activate my...
  4. P

    Moviebattles II V1.10.0.5 Released

    A second in the air, a second for the landing and a little more than a second for recovery? Like, you have to stop skidding to a halt before you start recovering. That's a pretty long time to be completely exposed. lol
  5. P

    Moviebattles II V1.10.0.5 Released

    Did you even test it? The delay is long enough that you can't even activate your saber before you get locked into the recovery animation. You're literally stuck looking like a complete moron for 4 seconds because you were just a little too close to someone else. That's not good or fun. Like I...
  6. P

    Moviebattles II V1.10.0.5 Released

    Punishing the poor SPEEDLUNGER's because scrimmers were mad. Sounds like they needed to just get good or something instead. :(
  7. P

    You seriously nerfed speed lunge?

    That's ironic, it's really not that good at killing people from far away either. That's ironic, it's actually completely worthless at mid range. Like it already only had 2 ranges, short and long. Now it only has long. If you try and use it from almost anywhere between short and max range you...
  8. P

    Moviebattles II V1.10.0.5 Released

    I definitely don't expect it to get reverted, which is also why I don't see myself playing again. The last thing I actually enjoyed and they had to ruin it when no one asked for them to. It's like they just wanted me to stop playing or something. lol
  9. P

    You seriously nerfed speed lunge?

    I really don't see why it shouldn't be used in close range. Like I've been saying, it's less effective than just swinging your saber at them. Of all the mechanics in the game to decide to crap all over, you chose one that gets used the least, and that's pretty crazy to me. Honestly my...
  10. P

    Moviebattles II V1.10.0.5 Released

    Why does it need love? It wasn't a good mechanic before, but it was at least fun. Not every feature needs to be absolutely perfect. Sometimes it's in the eyes of beholder. Now it's not a good mechanic, nor is it fun. It's just nerfed into the ground and boring, and the manufactured range limit...
  11. P

    Moviebattles II V1.10.0.5 Released

    In any case, the point is that speed lunge up close wasn't a problem. If you were already shooting at me even as I get close to you and I lunge then you're still going to be hitting me, same as if I were to just get in your face and swing at you. That happens to me a lot actually and I end up...
  12. P

    You seriously nerfed speed lunge?

    SPEEDLUNGER's collective 0.3 KDA is absolutely staggering. We couldn't keep getting away with it.
  13. P

    Moviebattles II V1.10.0.5 Released

    So what you're saying is nerf stairs. And by your logic they should nerf lightning and grip too. Same problem where the only counterplay is to not let yourself get into a situation where you can let a sith use lightning or grip on you, and you don't know if they have lightning or grip. The...
  14. P

    Moviebattles II V1.10.0.5 Released

    Me vs Sigma/Nasus at max range usually ends up with him taking a step to the left and me dying soon after. Like, it's great when people don't know it's coming, but then how are you going to nerf such a niche mechanic that you only ever take to surprise someone once every 30 rounds? What a...
  15. P

    You seriously nerfed speed lunge?

    I should also point out that the "delay between swinging" distance is either bugged or way too massive. I mean, just revert this change because it's stupid and unnecessary, but man do I love getting completely locked unable to activate my sabers for 3 or 4 seconds. At least when I land I'm in...
  16. P

    Moviebattles II V1.10.0.5 Released

    Nerfing speed lunge lmfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao. That's crazy.
  17. P

    You seriously nerfed speed lunge?

    Why? It doesn't even connect half the time when it should, and running up and swinging at someone is 100% more effective than running up to someone and wasting 40FP with the 50% chance it just doesn't hit because spaghetti code. This change almost literally made it unplayable at any range other...
  18. P

    Shit TK System

    You still didn't read the second post. You can't be this stupid, it isn't possible.
  19. P

    Shit TK System

    Read the second post. It happened at the start of a round when I was going to attack the breakable wall that leads to lower on Nar Shaddaa. 800 tk points instantly is absurd when you're just trying to access the lower part of the map. Orrrrrrrrr you can just dick ride for clout. I guess that's...
  20. P

    Shit TK System

    For the record this happened at the start of a round on Nar Shaddaa where I used dual side stab on the breakable area outside of reb spawn to access lower and a teammate ran into the other end of the stab. I got over 800 tk points from that and immediately kicked. I've had that happen and I was...