Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

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  1. yle yatarn.

    How to fix dueling.

    Change the dueling system to base JKA dueling and make Jedi pacifist the lead developer. :waytogo:
  2. yle yatarn.

    Open is finally dead.

    Open has finally died. After countless horrific developer changes and numerous complaints, the once glorious mode has been over taken by legends. Gonk has been on legends more, only legends based servers gain traction, and worst of all; the game population is lowering. Edit: #FREEBLAZE
  3. yle yatarn.

    I suggest that when a sonic grenade explodes and a player is at the very centre of the radius they lose 50% of their health.

    I suggest that when a sonic grenade explodes and a player is at the very centre of the radius they lose 50% of their health. Just a meme suggestion, but it would have been funny if this was implemented.
  4. yle yatarn.

    I suggest that when soldiers die, they explode in a massive radius, dealing the same damage as a fragment grenade.

    I suggest that when soldiers die they explode in a massive radius, dealing the same damage as a fragment grenade.
  5. yle yatarn.

    Add a Sullustan Jedi skin

    Add a Sullustan Jedi dew it.
  6. yle yatarn.

    Worst team kill ever.

    Was playing on gonk not too recently and i was about to snipe Bob Billy until a wookiee got in my way and i got tk banned for 10 rounds.
  7. yle yatarn.

    Wookie bow caster nerf

    I mean both gunners and Saberists hate fighting against melee Wookiee, because of their ability to knock you down and punch you to death, but no one talks about how strong bowcaster Wookiees are, I mean bowcaster has fast fire rate, high Fp drains, bullet velocity, can snipe with it and deals...
  8. yle yatarn.

    Cyan DFA doesn't work at all.

    Me and scrooge were on jedaii and he was spamming CDFA against me and most of the time the stab just didn't hit me even when i was standing. It only works when he was on a lower ground than me and even then he still missed is this a bug or is CDFA just bullshit and doesn't work?
  9. yle yatarn.

    Nerf duals

    360 damage, swings faster than yellow, 1.5x increase block arc compared to other styles, high AP, five combos and hard to read swings making it OP as hell in both open and duels just remove a damn combo and nerf its damage to 280 deals more damage than purple atm in open which is just sad.
  10. yle yatarn.

    Make spin give tk resets and tk points

    Because why not?