Great work :) , but I´ve thought it diferrently. In weapons.dat you have these lines:
weapontype WP_BRYAR_PISTOL
weaponclass weapon_bryar_pistol
weaponmodel models/weapons2/briar_pistol/briar_pistol.md3
weaponIcon gfx/hud/w_icon_briar
Nice :) I just want to do my own personal small weapon mod for SP with effects and models from MB2. Similar to UltimateWeapons. So I´ve asked because this :)
Hello admins,
please could you tell where can I find that weapons.dat file, where are listed all parametres of weapons like shot speed, shot effect, damage and more? I can´t see it anywhere :)
It is a problem there. 4 skins (black Jedi, EP2 Anakin, EP3 evil Anakins) are using same model. If I replace one, i must replace all. We have already Anakin from CW on Jedi Side. I´ve lined replacement which will replace that black Jedi as Anakin EP3 light side, but I have to delete Anakin from...
Thanks a lot :) Yes it is easy. You can modify file on your own. Just open it in wordpad and at the end you can see:
so rename it to:
Just released, awesome dark side skin of Galen Marek. High quality, good texturing, compact looking. I know we have Galen for Jedi, but robed variation could be used for Sith side :)
So let´s say if I contact author and he gives me permission to use his model in MovieBattles, could I post it there and developers will look at this?
But if you want to know some, which fit Hero class: Bail Organa, Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, Carth Onasi, Finn and Poe (which are planned), Lando from Jabba palace, Luke Yavin, Morgan Katarn, Mon Mothma...
Hehe, I know what you mean. But listen, you must know that I suggested new models and created threads about this for about 2 years, and still developers dont care. So this was just quick suggestion. I dont want to tell developers now: add this, and this...there are lot of threads about...