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  1. Tompa9

    Tompa´s Replacement pack V1.4.6 + Saber hilts (release 15.8. 2016)

    It is my personal choice, you can delete him :D I love his taunts :D
  2. Tompa9

    Tompa´s Replacement pack V1.4.6 + Saber hilts (release 15.8. 2016)

    As I´ve promised, it is there! New version of Tompa´s Replacement Pack optimized for MB v1.4. Have a fun! :)
  3. Tompa9

    MB2 weapons.dat???

    And what about this ???? :(
  4. Tompa9

    MB2 weapons.dat???

    Great work :) , but I´ve thought it diferrently. In weapons.dat you have these lines: // WP_BRYAR_PISTOL { weapontype WP_BRYAR_PISTOL weaponclass weapon_bryar_pistol weaponmodel models/weapons2/briar_pistol/briar_pistol.md3 weaponIcon gfx/hud/w_icon_briar missileFuncName...
  5. Tompa9

    MB2 weapons.dat???

    Nice :) I just want to do my own personal small weapon mod for SP with effects and models from MB2. Similar to UltimateWeapons. So I´ve asked because this :)
  6. Tompa9

    MB2 weapons.dat???

    So these informations are only visible via some code program? It is weird. Other mods have normal weapons file.
  7. Tompa9

    MB2 weapons.dat???

    Hello admins, please could you tell where can I find that weapons.dat file, where are listed all parametres of weapons like shot speed, shot effect, damage and more? I can´t see it anywhere :)
  8. Tompa9

    Tompa´s Replacement pack V1.4.6 + Saber hilts (release 15.8. 2016)

    It is a problem there. 4 skins (black Jedi, EP2 Anakin, EP3 evil Anakins) are using same model. If I replace one, i must replace all. We have already Anakin from CW on Jedi Side. I´ve lined replacement which will replace that black Jedi as Anakin EP3 light side, but I have to delete Anakin from...
  9. Tompa9

    Re-Texture of RevanKnight's Rey [V6] !!!UPDATED!! Jan17

    I will send you PM tomorrow mate :)
  10. Tompa9

    Re-Texture of RevanKnight's Rey [V6] !!!UPDATED!! Jan17

    He isnt but im sure you have episode 3 :) if not just teach me how to rip audio :D
  11. Tompa9

    Re-Texture of RevanKnight's Rey [V6] !!!UPDATED!! Jan17

    It will be good :) are you possible to rip me some Bail Organa lines too?
  12. Tompa9

    Tompa´s Replacement pack V1.4.6 + Saber hilts (release 15.8. 2016)

    Thanks a lot :) Yes it is easy. You can modify file on your own. Just open it in wordpad and at the end you can see: torso_robe,models/players/General_Kenobi/robe.tga hips_robe,models/players/General_Kenobi/robe.tga so rename it to: torso_robe,*off hips_robe,*off New...
  13. Tompa9

    Lightsaber Replacement?

    Download my saber pack, you will se how i´ve replaced it :)
  14. Tompa9

    Models / Skin suggestion thread

    Just released, awesome dark side skin of Galen Marek. High quality, good texturing, compact looking. I know we have Galen for Jedi, but robed variation could be used for Sith side :)
  15. Tompa9

    Models / Skin suggestion thread

    So developers, what do you say? :)
  16. Tompa9

    Leia and Padme skins

    Okey, okey now I see, what you mean quality models :) I will look for some . Which developer should I send messages with suggestions?
  17. Tompa9

    Leia and Padme skins

    What about this?
  18. Tompa9

    Leia and Padme skins

    @MaceMadunusus So let´s say if I contact author and he gives me permission to use his model in MovieBattles, could I post it there and developers will look at this?
  19. Tompa9

    Leia and Padme skins

    But if you want to know some, which fit Hero class: Bail Organa, Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, Carth Onasi, Finn and Poe (which are planned), Lando from Jabba palace, Luke Yavin, Morgan Katarn, Mon Mothma...
  20. Tompa9

    Leia and Padme skins

    Hehe, I know what you mean. But listen, you must know that I suggested new models and created threads about this for about 2 years, and still developers dont care. So this was just quick suggestion. I dont want to tell developers now: add this, and this...there are lot of threads about...