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  1. Morgana

    Moviebattles II R20.0.07 Now Available

  2. Morgana


  3. Morgana

    Hosting Server how to unplug tk and leave damage on team?

    Previously, there were no TK points and there was damage on team. How to get it back?
  4. Morgana

    Amateurz’s & Awsouki’s lovemade child, DDOS

    много букав 😑
  5. Morgana

    Moviebattles II Version 1.10 Released

  6. Morgana

    Hosting Server Only the local server is started

    How fix that?
  7. Morgana

    Hosting Server how to fix this server startup error?

    It worked, but the server still didn't start :(
  8. Morgana

    Hosting Server how to fix this server startup error?

    the dudes who started their server have no such file either.
  9. Morgana

    Hosting Server how to fix this server startup error?

    I haven't found, perhaps it is in pk3 :confused:
  10. Morgana

    Hosting Server how to fix this server startup error?

  11. Morgana

    FoV in a 3-person game

    Ye, it doesn't work on the new version :(
  12. Morgana

    FoV in a 3-person game

    But this is a demo from mb2:(
  13. Morgana

    FoV in a 3-person game

    Such a fov I want. If the demo allows it, then the game itself should?
  14. Morgana

    FoV in a 3-person game

    So sad((9
  15. Morgana

    FoV in a 3-person game

    I can make fov more than 97 in a 3 person game? So that it works.