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  1. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    I think there is no problem with guners and jedi, and I actually think 1v1 aslong as its not a ninja jedi hiding behind a corner with sense 3. The gunner with win if the skill is even. And I am standign by this. If you have a pretty good aim with either e11, t21, or p3 the jedi or sith has no...
  2. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

  3. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    I just had to comment again because of that statement. Pull 3 is wayyy better than push 3 if you're decent. and pull actually has a shorted cooldown and is easier to spam so.. And when you say the class is suppose to be supportive, I think Good ol ben disagrees, he said that jedi has many...
  4. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    Well thats all an opinion, not a fact that push needs a change. Just as me saying its fine. Both opinions.
  5. Preston

    Force Sense Suggestion

    I acually like this, but the problem i have is that sense doesnt work like 25 percent of the time because them area portals :(
  6. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    Yeah, pretty much the way I see it, if we were to make those changes, theyd also have to lower either fp cost or point cost. Give and take
  7. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    Well again, i guess it's just my opinion but I just don't really see the problem with push. Now those changes that I listed, forgot exactly who suggested them wouldn't totally make push underpowerd, and it wouldn't effect me at all or any other players who are decent. But with that in mind, I...
  8. Preston

    Petition for the Inclusion of the New Fixed Powerbattles in the MBII Launcher

    Yussssss please come back power battles, is it on any servers 24/7 atm?
  9. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    Okay back to the thread then, I'd be okay if they made it where the aoe affect of players was lowerd, while the aoe affect of nades and rockets was the same. but I personally don't think it needs to be changed because I think push is perfectly balanced in that aspect. Yes it may be push to win...
  10. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    LOL wow this is sad. so whats your problem with push? i'm just curious, so you read all about why people play jedi and thought it was illogical right? Or you read alllll about how every class has a press button to win aspect right? Or you read all about the counters to the easiest thing to...
  11. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    And if you that was dumb you should read what Achilles put on that other thread... my neck still hurts from the cringe
  12. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    I had to go super basic since boss gets mad when I talk about how every class is press to win elements. What was stupid about my post? Walk and shoot and you win. And next time read the previous pages b4 u post on the thread
  13. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    Okay ill go back on just push. Walk and shoot, there you go. Insta win. Thats all I can say without bringing up anything but push. And dont even bring up oh its so ezy to use tho. So is walking, its also press to win.
  14. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    No I read yours, it was just the same thing over again, push is ez press to win. But so is lots of other things in this game. They all have counters that are easy. I am seriously confused on why this is even an argument.
  15. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    Every class has a press to win button.... if you wanna act in a non buased thread then you should also start to complain about all those things I listed that are point and press to win
  16. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    Wat. I was showing your argument was flawed by showing you every class has a click to win weapon or ability but they are all counterd easily just like push. Did you not read my post at all?
  17. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    Yea, I was gonna bring that up 2, gunner spam is actually far worse for most classes than jedi or sith spam, ex deka,sbd,soldier and clone
  18. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    Ive said multiple times, lots of things in this game are ez insta win, but also are easy to counter just like push is. Concs being a good example, or poison, or rocket launchers, or a lightsaber itself, or lightning 3, or repulse, or a freakimg deka with its crazy fire rate where you hardly have...
  19. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    No, new players do not pick jedi because its easier to play rofl. They pick jedi because 1. In the movies all the heros use lightsabers and the force, and in the movies they rek all the other people with a gun. 2. Pop culture, everyone wants a lightsaber, 3. Video games, in any starwars...