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  1. Jay Brando


    they're less versatile than before the tempest build, though. I have always whined about this whole phase of mb2 that I believe began with the FP drain buffs and reduction in ear-rape "collision" changes a few years ago. I think that it started with unintentionally nerfing superpush and...
  2. Jay Brando

    Slap Revert Request

    perhaps you took it personal because jump2 is the only way you can land bodyhits on joel or liam
  3. Jay Brando

    Slap Revert Request

    its not fair to say just slap someone who spams jump2 swings at you because its pretty much impossible to fuck up landing your swing while u jump cheese towards someone. meanwhile it takes instant recognition and reaction of whats happening to slap someone jumping at you in time, and they may...
  4. Jay Brando

    Moviebattles II R20.0.05 Released

    I mean firstly thank you for continuing to update the game. I can understand that it could be hard to even continue on trying to improve MB2 after nuking the population with the series of most recent updates. But seriously wtf are these changes even for? The flip-flopping and seemingly random...
  5. Jay Brando

    Moviebattles II Release 20 Available

    of course blue doesnt get completely gutted. please reverse this or reduce this change so that knocking another saber user back is actually useful in any way if you're not a slimy blue user. please make it have less damage than red since whats the point of red if they are equal damage while...
  6. Jay Brando

    Feedback Thread: v1.11 Open Beta #1 - May 25th 2024

    I'm gonna say something completely unrelated but im happy with most of the changes in duel mode, this will probably be my only comment on duel mode because i like it way more than the beta open mode. What is confusing about a lot of parries/interrupts in the beta is how people are able to...
  7. Jay Brando

    Feedback Thread: v1.11 Open Beta #1 - May 25th 2024

    yes they require 0 aim but what? Colosseum server is constantly dotfclassicb with you and fang/luna and DB cooper top scoring as bowcaster wookie or BH/hero or t21 elite soldier, do you really think saber is the strongest and most impactful? I will concede a small bit and say that the best...
  8. Jay Brando

    Feedback Thread: v1.11 Open Beta #1 - May 25th 2024

    Two absolute spot-on points from kwinto here. In the tempest saber tests last year, cyan was undoubtedly too strong with how you can force parries the entire duel and not lose any BP. In this current open beta test, "attunement" and "blaster defense" are the changes that confuse me the most...
  9. Jay Brando

    Feedback Thread: v1.11 Open Beta #1 - May 25th 2024

    The beta changes to mindtrick, force block, saber/blaster defence, attunement, standing still deflect animation, allowing repulse + saber defense, and view-based fp drain are the worst things in this game that I have ever experienced👍
  10. Jay Brando

    Moviebattles II Version 1.10 Released

    more change than buff please
  11. Jay Brando

    Guides/Help for Purple and Red styles.

    red is very good at counterswinging (singles/doubles and full combo) for high damage and last hits, purple is trash. but if u can PB very well then you can make it work.
  12. Jay Brando

    What happened to the reek on Arena?

    come to ram ranch! :macegrin:
  13. Jay Brando

    Feedback Thread: Saber Open Beta - May 4th 2023

    blue delaying your bp regen is the most aids thing about these tests in my opinion, if you dont enjoy playing blue then you dont even recognize every time that you've been hit and that you're getting your life drain gang'd while they turtle away with seemingly many less swings than you are using
  14. Jay Brando

    mb2 crunch

    it feels like more than 2-3 years ago I felt the change
  15. Jay Brando

    mb2 crunch

    thanks for making this. this is the sound that used to happen nearly every time you repulsed someone. something changed for sure, there wasnt an intentional direct nerf to repulse according to the changelogs and forum admins, but collision physics must have been touched because repulse used...
  16. Jay Brando

    Force powers guide (Duelling)

    i have pull on 4, and lightning on 2. but i usually scroll to pull using Q and E and then press F like normal to try for any superpush
  17. Jay Brando

    Buff FWs by adding a close "deka pulse" effect to Super Push

    so like an electric pulse that fires at the same time as the force repulse, which moves even blocking jedis, perhaps with shorter range like the circle you made? I don't know how repulse affects wookies and other big bodies. sounds cool, maybe makes repulse more of like a chaotic/powerful...
  18. Jay Brando

    Buff FWs by adding a close "deka pulse" effect to Super Push

    its ok idea but I assumed you would elaborate more on the activation of said pulse effect. does it go off as you press the repulse button, and then you charge up and release the full repulse as well?
  19. Jay Brando

    Increase sharpness (nvidia cards only)

    in the photo labeled "Sharpness 80%" there is a red-skinned alien on the right, and in the photo labelled "No Sharpness" there is no alien there