Do you like new update?


Movie Battles II Team Retired
People who vote no could give a helping hand to the developing team by telling what bothers them with the update. :) In here or in other feedback topics, of course.

In my mind the game is very much the same and therefore a lot of fun and enjoyable, but some things could be fine-tuned, such as FP drains. Then again Undeadstar is fun and pistol charged shot being back is awsum. In no way is it a catastrophy like fanboys of certain abilities often feel as a first impression when they get changed.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
My saberist side says the anti-gunner changes to cyan and purple are fun to mess around with. (My gunner side is panicking. :p)

On the other hand, the dueling changes have universally provoked either indifference or concern, and I find that the mid-tier duelist I was in 1.4 has been kicked back to kindergarten. Just can't convince myself to make as many attacks as I need to stay competitive, and even when I do I tend to bleed my BP dry in a series of parries.

@Lervish: 1.4.3 feedback thread ought to suffice for the helping hand. :p

On a more personal note, I feel that Undeadstar is a uM map in disguise... and anyone who's been in an FA server with me long enough to try switching to one of those knows my stance on non-X-Wing uM maps. (Or MGM maps, for that matter.)
yea this update is quite bad, seems like the developer team is hopefully just somewhat confused in the direction they want to take, cuz if these are all conscious design choices then i can't help but worry for the future of the game

i don't understand the reasoning behind the block drain change, it absolutely fucks up how the jedi playstyle was for 10 years, now you have to run around awkwardly to regen fp while standing in front of your team and pushing shit back? like really i don't get the thought proccess behind it, maybe it makes sense but for me it seems to contradict the core of how jedi/sith have always been played

the return of q3 in a build that can also have push 3 is also bizzarre. that and the tuning of damage reduction in a previously unseen way (i've seen jedi surviving standing on top of exploding grenades) also contradict the changes that have slowly been made to jedi/sith over the past year or 2 that made them a lot harder to play and a lot more rewarding. i can't imagine why you would want q3 back in the game, it's just the definition of a skill less bullshit ability that was removed for various reasons and i don't think anyone's been missing it. i've been saying this for many years and i'll say it again, jedi take a lot less skill in a 1v1 than a gunner, and all these changes just reinforce that fact, while the previous updates seemed to be going in the right direction, this one is certainly several steps back.

the new dodge mechanic is way too weak, if you wanted to make it a strong ability i recommend looking at how overwatch handles the deflect ability on genji: it's a cooldown (10 seconds?) that reflects all projectile based attacks for 3 seconds or so. i think that would be a great ability to have in mb2, in overwatch using your deflect correctly is a core point of playing a good genji. a dodge mechanic that would trigger a small window in which you dodge all projectiles in a 120 degree arc, at a cost of the dodge resource dependent on your dodge level i think would be a great solution. and if you wanna make it an active ability instead of what it was before, the movement restrictions have to go, right now dodge 1 and 2 are just awful

now onto the worst thing about the update, something i don't see many people complaining about which is quite surprising, and that is the jakku map. it's just awful, the level design is so so bad, the performance is a joke. it's basically an unplayable map that killed the population of every server where people were naive enough to rtv into it when i played yesterday. it's seriously sad to see how a map like this can get released into the game, especially since there's such a dramatic shortage of good maps for so many years now.

i don't know anything about sabering so i'm not gonna comment on that, other than to say that having a console command to toggle an important game mechanic on or off however u feel like in the current round has gotta be some kind of joke, i've never seen that in any game i've ever played
I myself as saberist really like it, tried today with red and i can kill sometimes gunner with it again, even if they panicspam.
Cyan works great with deflect and a gunner who comes so near, that he could kiss you, get deflected to death.
Its a good thing, i think it was retarded that they could come so close, now i have my free space again.
Clones are still a pain in the ass, i rather fight 3 melee wookies with full fury than one clone, but my team can take them out, when im distracting them.
Snipers arent annoying anymore, thats a good thing, too.^^

the return of q3 in a build that can also have push 3 is also bizzarre. that and the tuning of damage reduction in a previously unseen way (i've seen jedi surviving standing on top of exploding grenades) also contradict the changes that have slowly been made to jedi/sith over the past year or 2 that made them a lot harder to play and a lot more rewarding. i can't imagine why you would want q3 back in the game, it's just the definition of a skill less bullshit ability that was removed for various reasons and i don't think anyone's been missing it.
I think q3 has it place now, since flinch is still in it and a good gunner can still defeat a purple user.
So flinch isnt that retarded like before, but still annoying enough.
So, it definitely feels like this update is not complete yet, and not all the ideas were implemented fully. There is much to be done to improve balance at the moment (I feel like the drains and regen nerfs are still a little bit too much). However, the direction looks good.

So, the first time I played the patch I played agains pretty skilled players: Threepwood, Hexodius, qwerty, and suddently 0000000 (welcome back!). And this really highlights the highs of the general direction for this update.

Long story short, the things Hexodius and 0000000 managed to do even with these nerfed jedi kind of reminds me of the old days when 0000000 was destroying most of the team singlehandedly at the same time when noob jedi died by legions. In earlier builds (except since flinch was implemented) even a noob could do that by luck occasionally. Now it looks like these days of really skilled forceusers are back! :D

The good thing is the general idea about drain changes. It adds additional direct skill-based elements to FP management, and this is a really good way to differentiate a really skilled player from an unskilled one. Drains definitely need to be adjusted, and likely have individual balancing of in-IDR and out-of-IDR drains for each mode of blaster blocking.

And the game actually feels much more fun for me even in open, surprisingly enough.

I can't comment on sabering yet at the moment.

If I understand correctly, the currently implemented changes are part of some bigger picture that there was no time to actually implement by this date. I'm eager to see what is coming, but for now I hope some hotfix will come out within a month, right after the issues with balancing of the current build are recognized. This should allow devs to keep developing the rest of the changes in normal mode.

At first glance: drains and regen nerfs are slightly overdone for some block modes, dodge is a bit too dificult to be useful, deka is even more useless than it was before because of pulse, but changes to power management are good, and the rest of the changes as well as general ideas behind all of the changes in this patch are good (excluding sabering out of discussion for now).
Long story short, the things Hexodius and 0000000 managed to do even with these nerfed jedi kind of reminds me of the old days when 0000000 was destroying most of the team singlehandedly at the same time when noob jedi died by legions. In earlier builds (except since flinch was implemented) even a noob could do that by luck occasionally. Now it looks like these days of really skilled forceusers are back! :D
Sarcasm or do you think J/S are really nerfed?
Ok a bit, but they were buffed, too.
I for myself doing really well with the changes and the fp regain isnt a real problem, too and i concider myself a average saberist.
deka is even more useless than it was before because of pulse
Tell this Q-11...


Internal Beta Team
I agree with qwerty and DCM that allowing nudge to be toggled is a bad idea. It either needs to stay or go. Letting people choose to ignore what's supposed to be an important sabering mechanic is rather silly. Keeping nudge for specific styles (red/purple? just red?) and removing it for the rest also makes more sense and allows for consistency.

deka is even more useless than it was before because of pulse
IMO, this was actually a buff for deka, because the ignore shield effect was taken away from ions so it could be given to pulses. Pulses are 4 times as expensive as ions (10 for 1 instead of 5 for 2), so it seems reasonable to me that pulses should be significantly more powerful. Additionally, ion blobs cannot be shield discharged away and are much harder for sith to push than pulses. Personally, in the last few builds I've found ions to be far more threatening than pulses. Now there's only one (more expensive) hard counter to dekas instead of two. I'm still not a fan of hard counters and rock-paper-scissor balancing, but I think this was a good change for the time being.
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Movie Battles II Team
I am having a lot of fun with Jedi/Sith and for the most part I like the new regen stuff, but I'd like to see more focus on Deflect being a very core part of this. But I understand it being vastly different, my main concern is that its not very newbie friendly/accessible.

Agreed on Nudge, on/off or only for certain stances.

I liked the idea of a Genji deflect activation for Dodge, no restricted movement but duration based on rank.

Good feedback so far, P.S. we always need more testers who can give detailed feedback like the above: Apply Now

{Δ} Achilles

1) Nudge should simply be removed. The toggle was a dumb, and redundant idea since I first heard of it, and upon closer inspection, it is still a dumb and redundant idea.

2) Cyan needs to be nerfed by Swingcount, and BP

3) Swing restrictions needs to be reintroduced from 1.3, no more WA WA WA WA WA WA.

4) Perfect Parry needs to be more intuitive, and use Mblock quadrants (SA for WA), and it should stop BOTH player's combos (With the exception of Cyan of course), but allow half-swing afterwards.

5) I believe that the FP Regen/Defense of Running and Blocking are a bit too extreme, and should be smoothed out. A little less defense for blocking and a bit more regen, a little more defense for running and a bit less regen.

6) Blobs/CR were made rather overpowered in this patch due to the Regen changes.

7) Hero is still a pain to deal with, especially with the low defense while running, however, this should change with 1.5's chase mechanic introduction.

8) Cyan and Purple's open perks need to go, you should *never* have passives that negate the need to use a mechanic. Perhaps Saber Deflect 3 could allow for costless saber deflection (or near costless deflection), like Cyan's perk does now, but you should *never* have it done automatically.

9) Blue should be reverted back to 1.3, and nerfed slightly in the way of BP count, and keep its PB damage perk.

10) 16 Points for Staff/Duals/Cyan/Purple is dumb.
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Swing restrictions needs to be reintroduced from 1.3, no more WA WA WA WA WA WA.
I believe Stassin mentioned something about the idea to slow down the swings somewhat. If that would be implemented, I don't think spam of the same hit would be an issue.

Also, I don't understand why you don't like nudge so much. In my eyes it is defintiely an interesting mechanic that can be good if it is done properly. Could you please elaborate?

Blobs/CR were made rather overpowered in this patch due to the Regen changes.
Tried to play: clone, wookie, ET against pretty good saberists yesterday. The good thing is each of the classes have many options available and I did not notice blob being any worse or better than sec. frag nade of ET or running speed and force invulnerability of wook.
Although, I did not test CR3 in the live build yet.

Why do you feel it is bad now?

IMO, this was actually a buff for deka, because the ignore shield effect was taken away from ions so it could be given to pulses.
I think the current issue with Deka is its stats, but I don't know if I fully understand deka's possible place in game balance yet, therefore I'm not yet ready to have an informative and useful discussion about it. Not yet anyway.

Tell this Q-11...
I mean, I can still kill pretty much any deka as any other class almost as easily, and if I have a second teammate that is decent there is nothing deka could do, except run. That luck of both mobility and survivability even without things like pulses is enough to make it a very hard class, up to the point of being useless.

I believe that the FP Regen/Defense of Running and Blocking are a bit too extreme, and should be smoothed out. A little less defense for blocking and a bit more regen, a little more defense for running and a bit less regen.
Agreed on drains and regen. That was my initial proposal after first tests of these changes in the actual beta builds (it was even more extreme then), and I feel it was fixed, but not enough. But I did not test it extensively yet, so I will refrain from labeling this opinion final. The main counter-argument being it is actually a good thing that it makes difference now: knowing when to block to defend and when to not block or even turn the saber off to regen FP or find positional advantage. This adds that room for showing player's skill, and this is all that really matters when we think globally about the gameplay and the role of this particular mechanics in it. The particular balancing issues can be solved as more information is known and gathered from gameplay.
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Movie Battles II Team Retired
i don't understand the reasoning behind the block drain change, it absolutely fucks up how the jedi playstyle was for 10 years, now you have to run around awkwardly to regen fp while standing in front of your team and pushing shit back? like really i don't get the thought proccess behind it, maybe it makes sense but for me it seems to contradict the core of how jedi/sith have always been played
It does contradict the core of how jedi/sith have always been played, it's just an attempt to make jedi/sith harder to play while keeping them balanced. With these changes, the running drains are high enough that as a gunner you actually feel like you're winning when you shoot them while running, while as a jedi you feel safer even at close range when blocking and deflecting. And you have to actually deflect to feel safe that way, which is more skillful than just running around the gunner. On the other hand, a jedi has much more trouble retreating than before when low on FP, which is good, and he also has much more trouble running in and swinging due to the running drains. And overall, it forces jedi to tap block only when needed to get both good FP regen and low FP drains, which also increases the skillcap of the class.

If we were to just increase the running drains and decrease blocking drains without altering FP regen, jedi would just become an indestructible tank while blocking and a butterfly while running, which wouldn't be balanced at all (like, the best way it can be balanced is already known, that's the last version v1.4.2), so there is no way to increase the skillcap and address retreating/yoloing while running issues.

Imo these FP regen/drain changes go in an excellent direction but it seems to be too late in the development phase to go through with them, that's really, really, really too bad.

EDIT: and about Q3, with the FP regen/drain changes it's not op at all because the running drains are so high. Cyan improved deflect is op yes.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Please continue providing feedback in official thread.
And overall, it forces jedi to tap block only when needed to get both good FP regen and low FP drains, which also increases the skillcap of the class.
was there literally no other way to go about this? the idea of manipulating your fp regen by your current state certainly can help raise the skillcap or any of the other goals you mentioned, but boy is it annoying

does no one else think fondly of what i consider the most iconic scene in mb2: a jedi at the front of his team, menacingly pacing back and forth or advancing while blocking? i feel like you have to get into a clown mindset now where your idle state as a jedi cant be blocking anymore because you're punished for doing so

i always thought it was cool! it always felt good to be in that position, and to make your decisions from there. this isnt about balance at all, but it feels like what ive considered a pretty iconic part of the class got messed up
We don't like the new cyan, purple, double, and duals saber style changes. I, and a lot of others, want them to go back the way they were. Could you please revert them?