Yes, you install a compatible version of python, extract the code anywhere on the system, readme helps with majority of the steps, you install dependencies with prepare.bat, fill out the jsons (if there are any) if there isn’t you run start.bat to generate them, provide paths and rcon password. It works as a platform where you can create your own plugins as well as have them interact with each other as well as the imported server data the system handles from the log file.
I’ve made discord bots with this system, which notifies admins when someone needs support in the servers, tracks log for moderation purposes. As well as our entire Rock the Era systems tailored for the Supremacy project function entirely as their own plugin. It is a barebones system where you can hook up essentially anything, shell scripts, or your own implements, using exported server data.
Most server owners just throw on RTV and call it a day, we will work to update our own custom version for others to use, but essentially server owners can make anything they want now, within limitations, and run anything in sequential plugin form. Right now extracting and running it won’t do anything aside from immediately interpreting your log file, most people will have to make their own things with this system. Server owners can share their plugins they make amongst others, if they desire.